My big question is they already have enough apartments to house them. they have already had one size down that means that not all the rooms are being used to there capacity so now they will have even more apartments not at capacity. They said they need the Dumbo complex for apartments. What Bull shyt. It is a money scheme
Posts by skyman
Why is the WTS still building in Brooklyn?
by jwfacts inthe wts is building a huge new construction in brooklyn.
if they are laying off 1200 bethelites what do they do with all the new space.
is all the brooklyn property used for watchtower related things or is some of it leased to others as a realestate investment?
My D/f appeal meeting went amazingly, but the still want to d/f me
by jwfacts insorry how long this is but i found the meeting very exciting.
the short version is i said directly that i do not believe in the wts, feel being d/f is unfair on my jw family so asked them to just leave me alone.
it didn't work.
It is to bad you had to feel sick about. Thanks for your story
Are we all reading the same bible?
by apologetics inhey .
something that always jumps into my head about jw, mormons , etc what is up with them??
are we reading the same bible?
also the fact the bible tells us every word of God is flawless
Boy you live in buble don't you. The truth is you should be finding out if the bible really is Flawless. Just for one thing look at Gen chapter 1 and then Gen chapter 2. There are two complete different creation accounts. Notice man amde before the animals/man made after animals. Man made on the 6th day/man made an the 7th day. Man was to be fuitful and fill the earth/man was alone. There are thousands of problem just like this if you really wont to open your mind and see the TRUTH about the BIBLE.
feng shui
by peacefulpete injust a brief observation.
the whole feng shui thing is really going mainstream.
everywhere everyone is trying to order their world using priciples of the ancient philosophy.
What the Hell is feng shui. I'll do google.
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
UnDisfellowshipped there are big problems with the conclusion with the link you gave. Anyway you do the math you have problems He places the first census under Quirinius in 15 B.C., 21 years before the second census of A.D. 6 (Chronos, Kairos, Christos, p. 305). This put Jesus born in 12BCE this is a big problem WHY? becasue Jossephus put Jesus alive at a much later date. The only way the two could be correct is that the bible is wrong when it says about 30 or Josephus really did not write about Jesus in the first place becasue Jesus would of been much older at his baptism, about 40 years old. There are alot of Linguist that say the Josephus writing about Jesus was added later and not his account at all.
No matter how you slice it Luke has big problems when it come to conparing it to other writings. So the bibles account taken with other writings do not match up. Unless you throw one or the other out as being un-true and no bible supporter wuold ever want to throw out Josephus becasue they cling to it with all their might.
1963 UN resolution anyone else noticed this?
by skyman ini found this intresting the sun god noted above, now notice the 1963 resolution not to join the un.
"that we will continue to look to him as the great sun from whom comes our enlightenment, guidance and healing.
we will glorify him and not join idolatrous men in looking to bright-shining ones of mankind as the source of mental and spiritual enlightenment and of worldly prosperity".
I had no idea about all of this when I started the tread I wonder how much information is yet out there.
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
It is clear to me that some scribe century's later wrote Matthew that is the very least of what has to be true, if not all the Gospels were writen by scribes much after the life of the real Jesus to make the belble fit their version of events to unite Roman
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
It should certainly make a JW think about how accurate the WTS is in ;stating his ministry as ages 30 - 33.If they are inaccurate about that, what else are they inaccurate about
Luke says that it took place when Cyrenius was governor. Here is another mistake. Cyrenius was not appointed governor until after the death of Herod, and the taxing could not have taken place until ten years after the alleged birth of Christ. According to Luke, Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth, and for the purpose of getting them to Bethlehem, so that the child could be born in the right place, the taxing under Cyrenius was used, but the writer, being "inspired" made a mistake of about ten years as to the time of the taxing and of the birth. Matthew says nothing about the date of the birth, except that he was born when Herod was king. Once again littletoe
Man I hope leolaia reads this
Problems/Questions on Practices and Beliefs
by candysearching ini posted this on another thread, but got no response.
why do jws claim to not celebrate christmas and/or birthdays, but will accept gifts?
why don't jws celebrate christmas/birthdays?
hypocritical I guess it has never made sense to me. The truth of the matter is the kids are never suppose to take gifts even from a teacher or a buss driver, but the Adults can do this ex: Christmas Bonus