Sick Sick Sick B*****D's are they not.
Posts by skyman
"That situation doesn't exist"
by cabasilas ini remembered these words and found them in the february 22, 1976 awake!, page 15. it's from an article entitled:.
how do you answer when your beliefs are challenged.
background from the article:.
BIG NEWS I recieved my pamphlet WOW
by skyman inthe baylor university has a potential time bomb for the society all i can say is wow i can see how now.
you better get a copy.
use this link and get you a copy
It is about 40 pages easy read. I think it is to long to post.
BIG NEWS I recieved my pamphlet WOW
by skyman inthe baylor university has a potential time bomb for the society all i can say is wow i can see how now.
you better get a copy.
use this link and get you a copy
The Baylor University has a potential time bomb for the Society all I can say is WOW I can see how now. YOU BETTER GET A COPY
use this link and get you a copy
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
Clicking on listin does not work so just go to the link page and then click on listin from there
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
You should all listin to this Bible reaseacher to hear what he say's about how accurate the gospels
click by Terry Gross
here is the link
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
Jake please inlight me alittle more. I would to understand what you just said
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
I allmost wish the Roman Chatholic Chruch would of done a better job covering everthing up. My struggle is excatly that there is a record ieternally accessible. WOW life would have been alot easier if the had done a better job.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
In your link above how does the author Know this? The reason for the variations is that each author wrote to a different audience Mark wrote to a Greek or Gentile audience…. Did he have a crystal ball? That is total conjecture he don’t know what the author is doing is leading you to a point of his choosing.
The biggest problem is the fact that we do not have the originals, not even close to the originals, hundreds of years off from the originals I have research the claim that portions of Mark was found in the dead see scrolls and I think it probably does but it does not mention Jesus Christ is the person being written about. You have to think for a minute out of the box. There was another Christ that lived at the same time the Jesus of the bible lived. This Christ has historical evidence outside the bible. The portions of the book of Mark found in the dead sea scrolls might be talking about this other Christ (or the real Jesus of the bible) The Romans talk in depth about him but he did not have the name Jesus, his name was Judas Khrestus. Why did Romans not mention Jesus if he was the Christ of the bible? The Jesus of the bible at least the man had to have lived but maybe he was not the person the Church later made him out to be in the gospels. Josephus writing about Jesus does not make sense because no Roman would write such a glamorous article about a Jewish dog. Josephus writing when he talks about Jesus changes grammatically proving Josephus was not the author of historical record of Josephus but that someone else added this section into his writings. Then you have the book of Thomas this book should be part of your bible canon because Thomas was Jesus brother according to the Bible we have today. Thomas book is older than the manuscripts of the other gospels making it the authority book or the closest to Jesus. This book contradicts the other Gospel wildly. I have the a copy of Thomas that highlights every contradiction. There are hundreds of them and we do not know if Thomas is close to the original. But we do know this the Chruch tried to burn all the books of Thomas but they forgot one. Tahnk God.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
Spectrum look at Luke it say’s that Jesus was baptized when he was about 30 years old account. Luke 3:1-2 3 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Ti·be´ri·us Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Ju·de´a, and Herod *[Antipus Grand son of King Herod the Great] ruler of Gal´i·lee, but Philip his brother was district ruler of the country of It·u·rae´a and Trach·o·ni´tis, and Ly·sa´ni·as was district ruler of Ab·i·le´ne, 2
(Matthew 2:1-4) 2 After Jesus had been born in Beth´le·hem of Ju·de´a in the days of Herod the king,
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke do not agree about the time line of Jesus Birth. Historical records say the King Herod died 4years before our common era or 4 BCE
Luke says that it took place when Cyrenius was governor. Here is another mistake. . Cyrenius was not appointed governor until after the death of Herod, and the taxing had to of happened ten years after the alleged birth of Christ. According to Luke, Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth, to have Jesus born in the right place, the taxing under Cyrenius was used, but the writer, being "inspired" made a mistake by about ten years as to the time of the taxing and of the birth. Matthew says nothing about the date of the birth, except that he was born when Herod was king. first census under Quirinius in 15 B.C.E, 21 years before the second census of A.D. 6 (Chronos, Kairos, Christos, p. 305). This put Jesus born in 12BCE this is a big problem WHY? becasue Jossephus put Jesus alive at a much later date. The only way the two could be correct is that the bible is wrong when it says about 30 and he was really baptized at least 40 years of age.
It is clear to me that some scribe century's later wrote Matthew that is the very least of what has to be true, if not all the Gospels were written by scribes much after the life of the real Jesus to make the bible fit their version of events to unite Roman No matter how you slice it Luke has big problems when it come to comparing it to other writings. So the bibles account taken with other writings do not match up. Unless you throw one or the other out as being un-true. This is only a small problem. The reason the bible is off at lest 82% of the time is because one book does not agree with the other book. Only 18% of the time does any of the gospel match up.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?