Blondie love your quote how true it is.
Posts by skyman
Flood/Bristlecone Pine: For bible believers: please answer
by skyman in.
using overlapping tree ring patterns from dead and still living bristlecone pines shows a 100% provable climate for california for over 10,000 years thus proving the the great flood did not happen as far back as 10,000 years ago.. magazine/archives/2004winter/feature1_1.php - 19k. - 8k
Elder Alert!!!!!
by flag ini received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
A friend of just had his wife leave, she asked for a divorce. The funny thing at first she left her husband for spiritual abandonment and the Elders supported her. His name on this board is sthilman. His wife soon after leaving got DF'd and has a worldly man living with her.
The elders asked him if they could talk to him regarding his wife's action during the time they were investigating her. I told him do not to do it. I'll get to the point after they talked too stihlman for awhile they ask him when he was coming back to the meeting. He said, not for awhile. As the two elders were leaving they said there was going to be an announcement stating stihlman was no longer a JW. Stihman told them he did not say that. They replied you said you are not going to come for awhile and that's all we needed to hear to make the announcement, then they said if you want back to meetings sthilman you are welcome to come back anytime you want. NEVER ASSUME THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP> THEY are wolves in sheep's clothing.
Watchtower Society Losing the Information War. What Will Sink the Last Nail
by Rig Boy inwith the proliferation of blogs and forums like this one, ex-jws writing books and protesting, lawsuits, exposure of abuse, pedophilia, and mind control, what more needs to be done to sink this cult and kill it?
do the ex-jehovah's witness have enough momentum to destroy any remaining credibility the watchtower society has, or perhaps, bankrupt it?
It does have a great effect. I brought only one original study to the Borg. I have been responsible for bring out eight different JW out and many many more that are slowing down and will soon be out. Why because of this site I do not go to any other posting site.
Jehovah's Witnesses Are Awaiting Persecution!
by minimus inif jws "suffer" persecution it will make them feel as if they are fulfilling bible prophecy.
they like thinking and believing that they are chosen to be abused and persecuted.
if any political upheavals occur, they look at it as a sign to say that the end is near.
Just this last week I was told by two different Borg Drones the above. They really do get off on persecution.
Elder Alert!!!!!
by flag ini received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
This works just say you are going throw some tough times in your life right now and are confused tell him thanks him for the concern. Do not agree no matter how hard it is to get more help from the Elders. I personally would not show up at the meeting. I would not answer my phone and if I did and and Elder was on the phone I would hang up. They can not do anything to you unless you give them something. They will get what they need if you talk to them I guarantee you.
Was J.F. Rutherford An Alcoholic and Why On Halloween Night?
by minimus inare you ready to explain this scandal?
illuminate us with your thoughts before it is too late.
I was eating and had to spit my food out I was chocking, I was laughing so hard you can't be serious can you?.
Elder Alert!!!!!
by flag ini received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
Remember this: do not say anything like I do not feel like going to the meetings right now or maybe I'll start going back in the future. This is all they need to announce you from the platform that you no longer are recognized as a JW.This has happen many, many times lately. When the Elders have been asked why was the they make this announcement some have been told "you said at this time you are going to go to the meetings", in the future when you want to come back we will be here to help you. The Elders right now have pressure from the Society to Shepard the flock and the best way to get the flock back in line is with fear.
Elder Alert!!!!!
by flag ini received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
I'll go with the conclusion that you still free some loyalty to the Society because you would not be asking the question if you did not. I will bet at least you have fear of the Elders. What it sounds like to me he is just wanting to get to know your circumstances and to see where help can be given. I will stress this loudly do not tell him any of your doubts if you do not want to be DF'd , he will not listen, he only wants you to conform to the Watchtower line. He might ask you if you have doubts and what are they. Trust me he does not care about your doubts only that you get humbled and come back to meetings. If you state doubts this will only lead to the ELders marking you and you will have future problems.
Elder Alert!!!!!
by flag ini received my first elder call yesterday.
he wants to talk to me today.
i have never been afraid of the elders but i also have no experience on what they are going to say because i have never ask for their opinion on anything and i have never been accused of anything either so, any ex or current elders here that can brief me about what to expect?.
So are you afraid of getting DF'd.
How A Prominent Watchtower Exposer Was Framed and Jailed
by Rig Boy in8: the science of body manipulation & programming .
bloodlines of the illuminati by fritz springmeier .
bloodlines of the illuminati by fritz springmeier .
Rig Roy keep posting love to read your post because I'll bet all the people that damn you never read hardly any of the points you post. I know one person that just read but has not joined JWD asked me just this morning to read your post from the last week so I will.