I thank all of you for you coments. I do know the tight rope I am walking and I tell you it is worth it. I have had it turn on me several times. That is OK the brothers have no authority over me unless I let them. So I'll ride the wave untill this group of teens are gone and the new group will not know me because I don't go anymore untill the time I am DF'd or just forgotten I'm here for them. Besides I am middle aged and in few years I'll not be cool anymore.
Posts by skyman
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
Dubs are sick people
by gringojj ini notice that when my wife misses meetings( about 60 percent of the time she does) she always tells her study person she wasnt feeling well.
her sister uses that excuse all the time too.
even her mom who has been in it 30 yrs often is too ill to go to the meetings.
It was in my hall when I was going. Yet they were never sick enough to not do what they really wanted.
A VERY PECULIAR FEELING (and a pleasant one at that)
by Terry ini work at a bookstore that buys books for cash directly from the public.. we get maybe eighty or ninety people a day lugging in horrendously filthy boxes filled with roach droppings, mold, ancient dust and, oh yes, books.. among these books there is the occasional "find".. but, mostly (and disappointingly) it is 97% garbage.. today a fellow brought in three boxes full of typical dusty and unkempt books to sell his aunt was "getting rid of" that he thought he'd convert into easy cash.. i took his i.d.
and phone number and then looked at the boxes.. they were all jehovah's witness books!
bound volumes going back to the 50's, all the booklets, books, concordance, interlinear, bibles, etc.
It would of been fun to burn them at an aspostafestival.
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
Jst2laws and loosie thanks for the kind words I was just told that my two nephews are going to DF'd next week. I can't imagine what they could of done. If the Elders don;t pull their heads out of their collective asses all the kids will be out soon. (HA RA LOL) maybe it will wake some adults up,.
DFing the kids only tells me one thing they should of never pushed these kids in the local area congragtions into Baptisim when they were 8, 9, 10... years old. Now everyone pays. The kids wont stop what they are doing they will only be better at not getting caught.
Jehovah'sJudgement dot com
by sf inhttp://www.jehovahsjudgment.com/ i found it here: [ http://perimeno.ca/index_a.htm ].
a terrible calamity may be about to befall us, jehovah's witnesses, in the near future.
our entire organization could be laid desolate - yet we are totally unprepared for the possibility.. .
Out of one cult running to the next. Really I see puple bunnies running around the space ship i'm in. LOL
I am now allowed to know where my sister lives
by Apostanator init's been a little over 10 years since i divorced my jw ex-wife.
a week after we split, my sister got married and moved.
seeing that i did not give a reason for the divorce, ( to the elders or anyone else ) my sister and her husband decided not to risk having me know their adress.
I am in the boat with you. My brother has done almost the samething. I know were he lives but I can't go onto his property.
I hope they see the B,.S. fro themselves some day.
QUOTES.CA What won't the WBTS admit?
by hamsterbait inthe fantastic quotes website said that as of 2005.01.31, the wt has not specified which books, specifically, they feel are still copyright protected.. .
the law is that copyright for an author lasts through his life, and for so many years after his death.
(blondie will confirm this - with a source i betchya-) ::: in order to prove that certain works published years ago are still within the copyright, they would have to admit and confirm who wrote those works.. .
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
A newly married Witnesses man that is 20 years old from a near by town called last night to tell me, him and his wife, was going the DF'd at last nights meeting. Him and several teenager from his congregation come and see us regularly we listen. Never do we tell them what we know about the Society but we incourage them to be strong and allways have an open mind. We try so hard to help them without them knowing what we are doing. If the congregation ever found out we told one of the teenagers the truth about the Society the Elders would hang us from the nearest pole and the teenager would never be able to come and see us. I know we have made a lasting impact for the good for more than one witness kid.
Do you have one favorite place on earth?
by AK - Jeff ini mean a specific location that you would go to time and again to just sit and look and enjoy?
or a favorite vacation destination?.
i love the cascade mountains as example.
New Port Oregon USA
Fathers Day this Sunday - what are your plans?
by Netty ini bought hubby clothes (boring, i know) and am probably going to buy him some cologne too.
i love obsession night its yummy!
what are you planning on doing with, for, to, your spouse or s.o.
To have some good bedroom time with the wife. Lifes short enjoy