Standfirm said:
From page 1:
isaacaustin suggests I tell my elders I post here. Why would I do that? It is websites like this that claim that Witnesses must run to their elders to make their decisions for them. I, however, can make conscientious decisions for myself.
My reply: This is a decision the WT has already made for you. True and believing JWs are supposed to confess their infractions of WT rules to the elders. If you do not feel this is breaking the WT rules then simply go tell your elders you post here and that would be the ultimate refutation of us 'apostates'.
Standfirm said:
sleepingbeauty: Is this an apostate website? Then why am I allowed to post here?
My reply: Allowed by who? You are not allowed to post here by the WT. The moderator allows any to post, so long as they follow the forum guidelines....only the WT is so controlling as to not allow its members this freedom.
Standfirm said:
LostGeneration: I don't think refuting apostates constitutes following them.
My reply: Irrelvant. The WT says not to do so.