OMG! I go away for a little while and look what happens!!
Congratulations to you and Meggy, Karl. Love the have adorable dimples and Meggy looks lovely.
And a baby on the way too! When's the due date?
((((Karl & Meggy)))
these arent the best pics we have but not all of them are with me.. signing teh book (well just after, sorry i look miserable lol - i hate smiling on pics).. .
me and my cousins, freya was a bridesmade and joe was there cos we love him anyway!.
me and megan - i had consumed a few beers but was not drunk in this picture!.
OMG! I go away for a little while and look what happens!!
Congratulations to you and Meggy, Karl. Love the have adorable dimples and Meggy looks lovely.
And a baby on the way too! When's the due date?
((((Karl & Meggy)))
no this isnt a film or anything lol.. anyone remember luna off this site?
where the hell is she at?
A little birdy told me you were asking about me. How ya doing, Karl.
so here i sit on a saturday night nursing my favorite bottle of wine.
a pinot grigio.
so what drink does it for you?.
Frozen Lynchburg Lemonade or a Long Island Iced Tea .
wanna hear a good one?
ted haggards straight!
Gee, how long did that take? Is he the one that was doing meth too? Isn't it amazing that he was able to totally change his personality and get off drugs in what? a month or two? Uh huh.
I ran across video recently of Jimmy Swaggart crying crocodile tears back when he was caught visiting prostitutes or screwing his secretary or whatever it was that he did. These slimeballs say whatever they have to to maintain their livelihoods. I think they're all pretty cynical and disgusting. Its a shame anybody supports them or believes their tired, self-serving fictions. Bunch of slimey frauds.
ok first i want to thank all who have sent well wishes and prayers about this - thank you so much!
ok, yesterday was my onsite second interview.
it went well and i had a very nice time.
Hope you get the job, MrsJ! Very good to get called back a second time so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya.
the time clock is ticking, only four days to go before i get on the big iron bird and head for the other side of the planet.
wifey and i will depart for israel on sunday and have three great weeks in haifa.
hopefully i can get on line at my son's flat and see what's cooking!
Hope you have a wonderful trip!
.....not a very long one though.
next weekend is a bit special for trev and i, and we are going off on holiday on sunday (25th) to spend 8 days relaxing on the meditterranean island of sardinia.
we will be staying in villasimius, and there's a bit of info on that and the rest of the island on the link below..
Hope you have a lovely trip!
round two with me and my parents went terrble last night.
my mother was sobbing and my dad had the biggext look of dissapointment on his face.
i couldn't think straight.
That's the hardest thing about being a minor and living with your parents. Its a their house/their rules kind of thing. I was much the same when I was a dub and my son was living at home. It would be nice if we could see our way clear to letting our kids express themselves and make their own choice on religious beliefs, but that's just not the way it works most of the time.
Writing down and researching, in the WTS's own publications, a few of the points about the religion that bother you the most might have an impact on them. Thing is, if they are happy believing, they won't understand why you aren't. All the reasoning in the world won't make a dent if they aren't ready to hear it. Plus if you get worked up and start yelling, it makes the whole thing so much more stressful. Your parents are going to be fearful and disappointed. They think this junk is the honest to Jah truth and that you are gonna end up dead forever if they don't save you.
Maybe back off of the confrontation for a while, concentrate on saving money (if you don't have a job, get one), and doing well in school. Prepare to be able to move out when the time comes.
i expect that a significant change to the meetings is on the horizon, most probably in the form of a shift of the bookstudy from a weeknight to a condensed saturday morning version.
some congregations already hold bookstudy groups on saturday mornings.
a universal change to this for the whole organisation make senses as it would help resolve a number of growing problems for the society, specifically, meeting attendance is clearly diminishing at the rate of knots in the western world, many elders are burning out and resigning because they cannot cope with all the pressure heaped up on them that so many meetings in no small measure contributes towards, and magazine 'sales' are apparently down and such a change would work in very well with the upcoming new change to the watchtower magazine in january 2008. .
Compulsory Saturday bookstudy/field service could be problematic. I can see lopping time off of the weeknight TMS and Service Meeting to make it more managable. They can claim that they are doing it for the kids (not that it bothered them for the generations that couldn't get their homework done and didn't get to bed until 10p.m. in the past ). It sounds good, and the dubs will be so grateful for an extra half an hour, they'll sing the WTS's praises.
Then they can move to shorten the DA to just two days. We all lead such busy lives, the work climate of today is such that its difficult for our brothers and sisters to get extra time off, it will cut costs (though not really. They'll just jack up the figures so they get the same $$ they always have), blah, blah, blah. Again the JWs will be so delighted at the reduction that they'll take it as evidence of great progress. OMG! With all the changes, this could be the last year before Armageddon!!! lol
explain the km thing to me will you?
why do they withhold it from some?
i would think it would help those 'weak' ones get their butts out there more, no?
Gill said: Willyloman - If they do that I wonder if this dubs only Watchtower/Km will be printed on the same low quality paper as the usual KM is. That should cut the costs even more.
Dang, yes! They can print it on tissue-thin newsprint and hold the color. Nice cost savings on the dub Watchtower while leaving the "public" Watchtower color so they can keep up appearances and pretend they are still a viable organization with their paperback Bibles, printed list of revisions for outdated study books, and one pair of handout rags each month. Lisa, I feel sorry for that poor sap. I do remember the days when I would "reason" that way too. He's so steeped in shit that his nose doesn't work any more.