I am grateful to Simon as well.
What I see as a never been jw, never will be, ubm, is that is seems to come in cycles and what is going on in the world at large. There is a lot going in the world right now but if something were to be earth shaking in the jw world that would take precedence on this site in a an instant.
Oddly, I find my jw the most political person I know. He detests that I even vocalize it as such and gets quite annoyed with me if I do. Doesn't make it a false statement however.
For those who dislike political discourse why do you click on those topics? There are many topics I read but do not comment on because I am not qualified (never been jw) or do not know the issue well enough. Some may say I comment anyway, lol. I try not to.
If you want more jw topics, how many thread have you started to keep that in the 'latest' queue? I know a little red guy who is pretty good with starting topics, whether you agree with him or not is besides the point, he does a good job asking questions and keeping himself relevant and on our minds for a moment.
What I do know is that there is a wealth of information here and people who are willing to answer over and over the same questions regarding jw -ism. For that I am eternally grateful. If we take a pause to take note of what is going on globally, why not? where else can we hear from so many places around the globe? I know that I can ask someone in the UK, down under, Germany, Finland (not sure if they are still around), Ireland, Japan, Mexico, etc.... It's ok to look at something else even if it is not jw related for a short bit. Some poor soul will end up here saying, "is it better to df or slow fade" (if they even know those terms) and I know all the kind hearted souls here will do what they can to help them through a horrible ordeal.
A small break now and again from jw-ism will not hurt this site in my opinion.
My thanks to all who answer the asked and answered questions again and again.
I just hope we can all be cordial and welcoming to the newby who is scared and stands to lose so much.