Once there were 3 men who were tasked to bring a very special gift to a queen in a far away land. She had lost her mate and was very sad and grumpy. Due to laws of the land she was not allowed to take another mate. The men stopped at a tavern had a few and then fell asleep on their way. They did not deliver the very special gift from their country to that of the queen. That is why those 2 countries have been at war all these centuries and even to today. Most don't remember the reason for the ongoing wars, but if you have access to the ancient scrolls you will find the story in the secret section of the scrolls.
Posts by carla
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
What's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives?
by Rattigan350 inwhat's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives on the jan 2025 w that is being studied today?.
is there a point to that?.
Please tell me this was not a topic at a regular meeting with kids, grandma and mixed genders?
aaagh! what is wrong with these people?!
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
Well said Magnum! I saw that same show about foxes! hard to watch.
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
I understand those who cannot leave, my heart aches for all those stuck in.
Just please, please understand that if you are 'in' living that double life, don't come to a board that has been filled with suicide, abuse and all out heartache on a daily basis telling us how great is that you, in a high position, learned how to game the system and get to live the life of Riley (what ever that really is). Not when there are those here that have truly suffered at the hands/minds of the jw cult. Those who have lost friends due to suicide because of the jw cult, lost children/family due to the blood policy or those who have had to go to great lengths to make sure you didn't. Have you had to explain in spy mode to your family how and why you need to protect chldren/ grandchildren/ nieces/nephews etc... so that your jw will not sacrifice family on the altar of the no blood jw altar? How mainstream people cannot wrap their heads around such a thing? You will become the nutcase because jw's are just a quirky bunch that carry a Bible and speak softly for the most part. Mainstream society doesn't care or want to look behind the curtain.
If you are some sort of spy then good for you and thank you. Take it seriously, because there are those of us who have had to go to great lengths to protect our families and children from the policies of the gb. First we had to learn the absolute insanity of this org and then the language which is completely different than mainstream life and biblical standards. We too have to go undercover to see what is possibly coming next for ourselves and our loved ones, that is why we make our way here and other ex jw boards. We too have helped jw's escape, find lawyers and or find cases that may help with child custody cases or lent an ear and shoulder to someone who doesn't know how to escape.
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
That is great if those who do that, do it without flaunting how damn easy their life is in the borg. Those who don't flaunt how funny it is that they get to celebrate holidays and do other no-no's that the r & f would be 'removed' or marked for. Can he give me and my family back all the holidays and special occasions with our family over the years or even now? no. Can my jw do as he appears to be able to do because he holds authority of being an elder? no, mine would be flogged and become the congregational leper as would any low level r & f member.
If he has sat on a judicial meeting or whatever they want to call it now and let a known, admitted pedophile back into the cong and society at large knocking on my door and that said pedophile in fact molests/rapes another child then, yes, he is partially responsible and should be held accountable for allowing a pedophile to continue. Especially if he warned parents of the child not to go to the authorities because it will give a jah a bad name as was jw custom for many, many years.
The elders that had a few 'ideas' for my husband.... I hold them fully accountable for their damn ungodly stupid ideas.
You may not understand that when people like jw's or other cults manage to pull someone into their cult it does not only affect that one person. There are many involved, like spouses, children, in-laws, parents, siblings, employment and the list goes on. Not to mention the future and lost opportunities because some elder thought something might be 'bad' idea or a 'good' christian wouldn't do such a thing.
But Elderberry? he apparently can live the 'double life' my jw has talked about and despises. Even he can see the hypocrisy and find it distasteful. But being the 'good' loyal jw he is, he would never believe an elder capable of such a thing. After all, they are appointed by God Himself right? (or the Holy Spirit?) you get the point.
Is my opinion cruel? bitter? perhaps. Do the suicides, rapes, domestic abuses, disfellowshiping/removal and general abuses by jw's ever keep you up at night? they do me.
If the o.p is saying jwlight is ok now then make it ok and say so publically. Please send out the memo so even the older loyal diehards get the new 'light'. Make all our lives as nonchalant and easy breezy like his.
And if you still think I am just being harsh I suggest you read some of the suicide threads and what led up to them due to being a jw or trying to leave. Then come and have a discussion about elders who live double lives while their so called sheep and their families suffer the consequences of them being involved in this insidious cult.
What would happen if all the elders/ms stepped down at one time?
What the new JW light position really is 👍
by ElderBerry ini’m still an elder and i consider myself jw light.
as my fellow elders are.
we don’t throw our weight around like elders used to in the past, it’s all very easy going these days.
Elderberry, you make it all sound so non-chalant, no big deal. YOU and all the other elders still have enormous control over the diehard jw's and you full well know it. I know how much control the elders have over my jw and it disgusts me what this damn cult have done to a good man. Shame on you. Stand up for what is right even if YOU lose all your family and friends. Then you can come back and tell us how meaningless this cult really is.
"They do shadow birthday celebrations..."- Why don't you have the balls to come out and fully celebrate? oh, you don't want to lose your entire family, possible income, home and entire being?
I can't even tell you how hard I am trying right now not to tell you how I really feel.
No, I take that back, you are a spineless sack of shit that doesn't have a Godly bone in your body.
I hope you have a long night of the soul if you ever thought of the damage you are doing by participating in this cult in a position of authority - child sexual abuse is on YOU, the destroyed marriages is on YOU, the destroyed parental/child relationships are on YOU and the many, many suicides (including members here) are on YOU. You don't get to say, "I was just following orders" because you have a choice.
When good men do nothing evil prevails, are you a good man?
What are some of the more exceptional self-authenticating claims made by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 inlet's start the ball rolling with two connected claims.. the religion of jehovah’s witnesses is the one true religion.
all other religions are satanic, including all the churches of christendom..
Boogerman, do they still claim to be the only 'channel' to God? in today's world of 'channeler's' who claim to 'channel' dead loved ones, non dimensional beings, extra terrestrials and so forth, they would fit right in! Are they just trying to be all things to all people?
I think I may be becoming an X-X-JW
by joe134cd ini think i may be moving on shortly.
i officially joined this web-site 12 years ago as pimo about to exit the organisation.
i had spent about a year before that, as just a none commenting member.
Wishing you all the best!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/f50tjtm8fds?si=h1ptb5aceiqbwmo6.
in 2025, the jehovah’s witnesses have taken their doctrine of isolation to a new extreme.
once known for their door-to-door evangelism, they now stand silently beside literature carts, refusing to engage in meaningful conversation with the public.
Even 20 years ago or so jw's were reluctant and would actually refuse to admit they were jw. My house was a do not knock and I had to ask 3 times (finally yelling) "are you jehovah witnesses?" even then they clearly did not want to answer. Now I think my house has a big "satan lives there" on my address.
serena williams
by FreeFallin innot really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
Thank you for your answer. It seems to me my jw must be in some old fashioned cong then! Though I can't really say as we no longer discuss jw things. He still wears a suit & tie and seems as zealous as always. Then again I don't really know where he is going on Sat mornings. Ha, so never mind, I know nothing.