How do jw's define the definition of imminent to their children? Not being sarcastic, just wondering.
Posts by carla
"The End is Imminent" - Tony Morris, 2017
by Smiles in2017 tony morris jw gb.
"the end is imminent!".
timestamp (06:00).
Commenting Ban?
by Iamallcool indo you think the watchtower will ban commenting at the meetings one day?
if you are pimo, you might want to try to make some comments to make others think about the “truth”!
Isn't that part of brainwashing 101? read the paragraph, ask question about paragraph, have subject parrot it back. The repetition along with the fear of not going outside the lines is sure to keep group think in check.
Just how much of a dramatic FLOP is this NEW LIGHT?
by Terry in
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
I appreciate seeing how all of you view this whole issue. I think my jw maintains that we (his wife, kids, unbelievers) will get a chance and be resurrected and once we are all there together we (the unbelievers) will say, "oh, now I get it! of course jw's had it right all along!" and we will all get to stay together in the fictional paradise earth together. I have no clue how this actually squares with jw doctrine. Probably because it doesn't. He just can't fathom it any other way I think, who could? How could it be a paradise if everyone you ever loved would not be there because they didn't jump on the jw ship?
I wonder how his beliefs will change when he sees the annual meeting?
Just how much of a dramatic FLOP is this NEW LIGHT?
by Terry in
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
Vanderhoven, I remember a news story a number of years back that two young jw brothers (under age 13 if memory serves) did in fact kill themselves so they would be assured to be resurrected, they were afraid the big A would come before they died and had no assurances they would be found good enough to make it into paradise earth.
Just how much of a dramatic FLOP is this NEW LIGHT?
by Terry in
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
I am not familiar with the guy in the video but thought he did a good job explaining.
I never understood when a jw would say the their death wiped out their sins, then you have no need for Jesus and His work upon the Cross? my jw and elders could not answer that for me and just changed the subject or claimed they were not sinners or 'intentional' sinners. Somehow they understood that everybody falls short but they didn't equate that with 'sin' in their minds. jw's may fall short but heck, not falling down in the gutter like the guy over there! Thank you Lord I am not like those sinners over there! -jw mantra, in my opinion.
100 Years of Watchtower Grand Totals!
by Atlantis ingrandpa's watchtower totals.
100 years of watchtower grand totals combined in a 3,518 page pdf, which is bookmarked and searchable.
(if you find my coffee creamer in there send it back!
Merry Christmas Atlantis!
Merry Christmas Everyone
by jhine ini don't think that it's too early to start this thread so .
merry christmas everyone.
maybe people could share christmas music or clips to get us all in the mood.
Merry Christmas!
Armageddon Aftermath
by Vanderhoven7 inactually you can hear it from the governing body himself (jehovah's witnesses leaders) and visualise it with this video… .
welcome to jehovah's witness paradise!.
I knew the children's books were bad but had not seen the pic of mother holding dead baby, disgusting. If the general public knew just what the jw's teach children they might be finished sooner rather than later. The epitome of a true hate group.
Recent Annual Meeting - Asking for Clarification
by truth_b_known inwould someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
Thank you road to nowhere!
Recent Annual Meeting - Asking for Clarification
by truth_b_known inwould someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
Can someone please tell me if all jw's see this (the annual meeting) at the same time? thank in advance.