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Posts by carla
It begins norway no money for wt because of shunning
by Yomama inorganized shunning will stop when money stops.
If you put the same rational to a jw but insert spouse for the org how would they answer?
Example, your spouse says something like "you gave me no choice! if I would have done x, y or z you would have left me". It is my opinion that a jw will not take kindly to being put in that box when the tables are turned on them specifically inside the marriage. The perpetrator of x, y or z does not feel free to make one decision or another knowing how the other will react (the spouse will leave or be angry). Does that make any sense to you guys? (coming from a ubm's point of view) The spouse makes the choice to make the other an outcast or outright rejects them for one thing or another yet a jw will say that jah hates divorce and they should forgive them or give them second chance. At least in the case within a marriage both parties know what the 'sin' or distasteful action was, within jw society pretty much everybody will shun at the whim of the elders without even knowing what the supposed sin is.
Are you free if someone else makes a decision for you? If by going against the grain will garner the very same action towards yourself are you truly free? History is filled with hard decisions and those brave enough to go against the grain, thankfully. If more were brave enough to stand up against shunning maybe one day they would allow freedom of thought and action as God does. God allows free will, at least in my world.
I agree with Doc, isn't that in part why Russia doesn't like jw's? the breakup of families?
What are some of the weird teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, past and present?
by Vanderhoven7 ini just picked up a few from mark jones as follows:.
i see is that the vast majority of jws don't seem to understand what their religion actually teaches.. the more controversial or embarrassing doctrine - although still official doctrine that has never been rescinded - is just not talked about anymore in the magazines.
there are dinosaurs living on venus.
Thank you for the correction Ultimate Axiom! still funny though
Biblical Anachronisms in JW Literature
by neat blue dog inin a recent post ffghost made a comment about how they're always inserting modern concepts into biblical narratives to make it relatable to jw's organization.
here are some that come to mind:.
- the capitalized term "governing body" when referring to the older men in jerusalem (really just another group of christians that paul outspokenly disagreed with and didn't look to for approval).
Excellent post and responses!
What are some of the weird teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, past and present?
by Vanderhoven7 ini just picked up a few from mark jones as follows:.
i see is that the vast majority of jws don't seem to understand what their religion actually teaches.. the more controversial or embarrassing doctrine - although still official doctrine that has never been rescinded - is just not talked about anymore in the magazines.
there are dinosaurs living on venus.
I have one I remember but do not have access to the actual quote- the one about taking 'air baths. One must jump around naked or something on that order. Russell or Rutherford days? hmm....
Something about steam engines rings a bell (being evil?) then there is all the inches in a pyramid and inches to Ohio (forgot city it was like a convention) The Harp of God is full of batshitcrazy stuff.
What are some of the weird teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, past and present?
by Vanderhoven7 ini just picked up a few from mark jones as follows:.
i see is that the vast majority of jws don't seem to understand what their religion actually teaches.. the more controversial or embarrassing doctrine - although still official doctrine that has never been rescinded - is just not talked about anymore in the magazines.
there are dinosaurs living on venus.
@Longhairgal, yes that is true! my jw will say things like, "we used to believe a lot of crazy stuff! we even celebrated Christmas and there is a picture of it!" -well no kidding! I'm the one that showed you that picture to begin with but now that you have asked and elder about it..... grrr, that was years ago, as a rule we try not to discuss anything jw these days.
What are some of the weird teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, past and present?
by Vanderhoven7 ini just picked up a few from mark jones as follows:.
i see is that the vast majority of jws don't seem to understand what their religion actually teaches.. the more controversial or embarrassing doctrine - although still official doctrine that has never been rescinded - is just not talked about anymore in the magazines.
there are dinosaurs living on venus.
The old 'Quotes' site used to have a lot!
MrRoboto, I thought that if new light has not been published on a subject the old light still stands? Naturally this does not include the blinking light on many subjects. If the r & f can pick and choose which old light they no longer believe how does this make them different from the 'churches' who allow their congregations to have freedom of thought?
Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthe governing body's response to the above complaint has been extended by stipulation until february 11, 2022. it had been due today.
this should be an important case as it alleges csa at bethel with governing body members' knowing about it.
you can follow it here..
Thank you!
Some nice publicity for the borg!
Door to door again?
by Zeds Dead indo you think the jdubs will start up the door whacking again one day?.
there has to be many inside the org that are dreading having to do that again and as for the general public seeing this, it’s hard to imagine.
Yes! I forgot to mention the treatment of women and higher education!