"... by being open minded enough and by carefully considering the ideas of each other, but I don't know if such is possible"-
Here lies the problem. There is no open mindedness allowed, no discussion allowed if it does not fit the current narrative. Much like the jw's that are not allowed to discuss Biblical ideas, doctrines etc... and to be able to disagree with the current light handed down by the gb. If they openly discuss such things they are canceled, shunned, df'd to become a leper of the jw society. They have a virtual death of sorts. Their family often consider them as 'dead' and only will 'reactivate' their life if they step in line with current beliefs even though they may be subject to change tomorrow.
How many doctors lost their jobs and some even their license to practice for simply doing what they have been doing for years and years? that being; using drugs for off label use. There was no open discussion in the media or with the powers that be even though there is study after study that using certain drugs early on were life saving and incredibly cheap. Why was discussion, studies and real life examples not allowed? Why all the suppression for even thinking or talking about some of these drugs? because if there was found to be early treatments that worked already on the shelf the vax would never been approved to begin with. The vax would have had to go through normal trials which takes years. Now there are real life examples all over the world that the vax does not stop you from getting ill, does not stop the spread and any boosters wane after a very short time. Even though they all know this there are those that still insist everyone get these m-RNA experimental shots. Where is the open minded discussion on that? Follow the money.
One might ask, well, if there are all these studies to the contrary of the vax why aren't we hearing about it? I don't see it on the mainstream news! exactly, and you never will or probably not for many years later. If one is not willing to research the why then there is not open mindedness only going along with the crowd or going along with what the gb tell us to do.
I am not trying to make this exclusively about ivermectin and hydroxy merely one example of the lack of open mindedness and lack of real reporters. When reporters say things like, "wow, I just can't imagine why someone wouldn't get the vax" I can't help but think how damn ignorant they are as reporters, that is their job! to find out why, but they don't, they shake their head in disgust.
Why not report both sides and let the reader decide for themselves? let them do their own further research and make informed decisions instead suppressing studies and what real doctors who actually work with patients have to say.
I direct you to this youtube particularly the 3 minute mark and then tell me how independent our news really is- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yshJn7lgVsY
As for conspiracy theories consider when people were saying that covid came from a lab, remember anyone who said that was a tin hat nut job? not so much today.
I recently watched an interesting thing on false flags even though at first I was skeptical and found much of the promo distasteful and probably against my belief system in general. Then I thought no, I should watch it because I can't outright dismiss it when I have not looked at whatever evidence they wanted to show me. That is having an open mind, looking at both side even if at first you might find it disagreeable with your original belief system.
When people in government, news sources, etc... say things like, "the science is settled" on any subject I am automatically skeptical because that is not how science is done! Science is always asking questions, always looking deeper and doing more research. When scientists and doctors cannot do their due diligence because they will lose funding or their license because they are not towing the line and following a certain narrative we all lose out.