If you follow any research data at all you will also see the Alzheimer's research has been in the news as of late due to faulty and fraudulent research data. It is pretty much blowing up on the internet if you follow such research. google for yourself.
If it can be so faulty with Alzheimer's imagine the faulty research on depression, mental health at large, neurological studies, etc... it could feasibly call all of that research into question.
I know some people in the mental health field who now question all research, drugs, therapies and/or diagnosis for all mental health and even neurological issues. Though, they tow the line in order to keep their jobs. And yes, they will give drugs because that has been the mainstream way to deal with issues. These are PHd's, and all the other alphabet degrees. Sad, even sadder is those with the authority know it is b.s. yet they feel powerless to change the situation. So they pull out their handy prescription pad and give the masses what they want.
I realize this will be an unpopular opinion.