Just wondered if anyone was close enough to where Rita is suppose to hit that's evacuating? I'm 30 miles north of Wichita Falls, TX if anyone needs a place.
just wondered if anyone was close enough to where rita is suppose to hit that's evacuating?
i'm 30 miles north of wichita falls, tx if anyone needs a place.. shelley
Just wondered if anyone was close enough to where Rita is suppose to hit that's evacuating? I'm 30 miles north of Wichita Falls, TX if anyone needs a place.
the message remains the same.
reform your lives or be chastised.
from the comments i have read about god's supposed non-existence in this forum, it seems that we will only learn the hard way.
Is this dude a GB wanna be or reject??? He sounds almost like the crap they spew from WTBS.
Have you ever sought psychiatric help? I'd consider it. They do wonders with drugs these days. What's make you feel so grandiose that you're the ONLY one, in the world, that speaks for something you chose to call "god"?
Isn't it said, "he who yells the loudest is usually guility"? Maybe YOU better repent. I don't think I'd be bragging about these "storms getting worse" since you've been preaching this crap. Someone might believe you and......wow, no more storms!
i have a friend, paddy (rc - yeah i know, why would a dub have a satan worshiping friend).
she is so kind and caring.
amazingly she claims that when she lights a candle and prays for something it works.. maybe this is just another boring "does prayer work" question - but: .
I use candles alot-some for show and smell, but mainly for my rituals/beliefs. I have been known to make a big mess and make candles!!
since it is pretty clear what all of you do not believe i am wondering what you do beleive?
1) who is the creator of the universe?
3) why do we grow old and die?
I believe when god created men, she was only joking!!
i never was a jw, went to kh a few times as a teenager, didnt feel comfortable with the things said, alot of my associates as an adult were brought up witnesses, but ya know, were pretty much disowned by their families as adults because they chose not to be jw's.. my husband is a d'fed jw, i knew he had been a jw, but it didnt even cross my mind that he would go back to them..
well, a couple of months after we were married ( around september of last year) this guy started calling our home asking him i guess to come to the kh.
i flipped out, i started not talking to him, i was very emotionally distraught over this matter, and then i went from being sad to damn mad, and i would just ignore him, because in my mind i saw this as as something that will break up my marriage (my feelings on that havent changed) while searching the internet trying to find things to change his mind about this religion something great happened, i started reading the bible and just in general started to feel better as a person myself and how it was ok for me to feel how i felt, because i felt like i was bamboozled because as much as i love my husband, i would have thought differently about marriage if i knew he was going to become a witness again.
Glad you found us and told us about you. Please keep posting. Let us know about the "little one". He/She will have a good life now!
i know it may be hard to narrow down just one.
how about what is or was one of your favorite scriptures?
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe....." Oops, wrong book, same mentality.
the following article found in the october 22 awake magazine is about witness youths and chat rooms.
only the main paragraphs are given.
pg 17
My stepdad, JW in good standing (but is a child molester) met his now JW wife online several years ago!! ?????
Imagine that!shelley
as a manager, i've used jesus as a model and his example has served me well.
i approach my job as a servant 1 , and the people under me are the ones i work for.
i follow the foot-washing principle2.
Can you imagine the JWs follwing that example??? Right!
w81 9/15 p. 30 if a relative is disfellowshiped .
a highly respected christian elder writes: .
"in our area some disfellowshiped ones with large families have been met, as they enter the lobby of the kingdom hall, with a fanfare of backslapping and handshaking (even though the disfellowshiped one was known by them to be still living immorally).
I had to turn it around and "shun" my JW mom. She and I can't live in the same state. She knew about my stepdad molesting me and acted stupid. Till she started blaming me for it. My 3 younger sisters and brother are all finally out. She blames it on me. (Which is ok with me!)
i have spotted at least 10 newbies this week-end !!!
seems the rebel forces are growing stronger by the minute....... welcome y'all !
Hey mothergoose and all you others,
When I was a real newbie, I'd think, I what can I say anyone else will want to hear!! But you have alot to offer!!Post your heart out!