Hey Word, next time you see Jehovah, tell Him that He wasted 22 years of my life. Tell Him, thanks for nothing. Oh yeah, and tell Him I have a sh*tload of literature I'd like to sell back to Him.
Jehovah reads the same words I do, and knows them before you write them. Jehovah is able to intercept your thoughts before they reach your mind, or your heart, through the electrical impules in your body. Therefore Jehovah already knows. The literature you talk about came from men. Jehovah will prove all men as liars, this is written. Only Jehovah knows the Truth. I only know that which Jehovah reveals to me at the proper time. I have seen your image upon the face of a real man in the power of the Spirit. This caused me alarm and fear. I also felt the strength of demons, and have witnessed many miracles in order to build faith. I am the Faithful and Discreet Slave upon the earth. Jesus Christ was the First Slave, and I am the Last until Christ arrives in SPIRIT, AMEN The Faithful and Discreet Slave of JAH and CHRIST