Do you think the world will end soon. If so, when?

by Rod P 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Predictions for the end of the world have been going on since the time of Christ, and in every Century since then. During the past 100 years there have been more predictions for the end of the world than have been made in all the previous centuries combined. Many of these prophesied dates have since come and gone.

    People look around and see the possibility of many different natural or man-made disasters by which the end could come. Here are a few scenarios:

    1) Polar Shift- Some people think the poles could shift, even flip, causing giant tidal waves, big earthquakes and lava flows, huge hurricane winds and electrical storms.

    2) Floods- With the Greenhouse effect, the atmosphere will turn into a giant greenhouse, causing the ice at the polar caps to melt, which in turn, will produce giant floods that will wipe out coastal cities around the world.

    3) Comet or Asteroids- could crash into the earth, causing massive tidal waves and flooding. One asteroid about 10 kilometers wide would contain enough energy equivalent of 10,000 nuclear bombs going off at the same time.

    4) Nuclear War- With the proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world, all that needs to happen is for these weapons to get in the wrong hands, who would be crazy enough to use them. This could cause Nuclear Winter, which would cause a Revers-Greenhouse effect. The smoke from the after-effects of the bombs would rise into the upper atmosphere. This would block the light from the sun, causing our crops to die, the food supply. Countless millions would perish.

    Do you still believe, or now believe that the end is nigh, and if so, how, when and why?

    Rod P.

  • dh

    i don't think it's ending at all, things might happen that irrevocably change our world, a meteor impact for example, but that's nature and the universe. i don't think there is any armageddon coming or that the world is going to end.

  • steve2

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The older I get the more convinced I am that I will end before the world does. Each generation thinks it is the last and tries to select the "evidence" that proves it. Who can forget reading about Charles Taze Russell who, when he was in his twenties, believed so fervently that the end was near that he stated that it was his and other Christians duty to directly warn all humanity of the impending end. All that rushing around for nothing...he died decades later on a sad train trip somewhere in the USA around about 1916, I think.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There may be some major changes caused by catastrophic and/or cyclical events (& GW ain't one of them) and we will have to adapt to accomodate them but it won't end any time soon.

  • Sith

    Depends, of course, on what you mean by "world". This earth is going to exist for billions of years to come. Humans, at least as we think of humans, won't be around to see that end. Just because man won't be here, possibly killed off by one thing or another, doesn't mean that the earth won't...probably dominated by some other life form. Intelligent cockroaches or the like

  • IP_SEC

    Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this. Silly sh!t, stupid sh!t.

  • Terry

    Thinking about the future is wise. But, speculation is a waste of time.

    The nature of things is that everything acts pretty much the way it has acted in the past.

    The "world" has not ended in the past; but, people have. So, people will continue to end.

    People have lived in fear in the past (and the present) because they DON'T FEEL EMPOWERED.

    What is the source of their feeling of vulnerability? Why do people cower and seek the sheltering promises of know-it-all prophets who paint doom on every shaft of sunlight?

    I'll tell you why I think it is.

    Humans use their imagination more than they use their rational sense of things. People have a taste for excitement. There would be no Bigfoot, UFO kidnappings, Elvis sightings, vampires, werewolves, zombies, Area 51 or ESP if it weren't for the intense EXCITEMENT engendered by these tales of mystery.

    But, simply getting on with the drudgery of daily life isn't the kind of alternative people crave with the same intensity.

    Religions (such as Christianity) that teach people from infancy that they are worthless dung, slaves, sinful, imperfect, and doomed... steal confidence and self-empowerment.

    We are herded like sheep. We frantically search the protection of our gurus, shepherds, enlightened masters, priests, shaman, rabbis who are only too happy to lead us away from disaster (for a small fee and total surrender.)

    Religion as been a parasite attached to humanity sucking away at the rich blood of feckless victims who fear and surrender.

    Every man woman and child on the face of the Earth has the same 24 hour day to spend in one of two ways:

    1.Building a life of practical decisions that lead to personal advantages and self-empowerment.


    2. Scanning every "sign" of impending doom and scurrying about on little mousefeet avoiding the "dangers" a mystic has forewarned them about.

    At the end of each 24 hour day who has made progress toward a fulfilling life?


  • LittleToe

    2Pet.3 tells us clearly that the world will be destroyed by fire (in contrast to the JW stance).

    This should happen in a few million years, when our sun goes supernova...

  • blondie

    If it ends, it will be long after I'm gone from this earthly plane.

    My end could come today as I drive down the highway, as I step off the sidewalk, etc., etc.

    I work on what I can do to make today better and hopefully tomorrow.

    "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present." --Loretta Laroche


  • gumby

    I think it's going to end in 2075 cuz the society was off by a 100 years in their calculations as they've been off a little before. After will only be christians on the earth.....thank god. The rest of mankind will be in hell...burning like a campfire. Satan will be there with them so he won't be buggin those on earth. Personally....I can't wait.....cuz I always wondered what Satan looks like


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