My most hated JW phrases are "We don't want to bring reproach upon Jehovah's name" and "Cause for stumbling".
JoinedPosts by pisces
What are your most hated JW words and phrases?
by Low-Key Lysmith inmine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
What effect did armaggeddon/possible persecution have on your mental state?
by jambon1 ini was`nt brought up in the `truth`.
i have recently left and am amazingly happy.. one thing that got to me was my mental state of mind which became extreemly negative about the future.. i worried very much about non jw relatives (good people) dying at armaggeddon.
also reading the endless accounts of bros/sis being brutally tortured/raped etc really disturbed me.
I remember my mom used to tell me that we would probably be seized by the police and then thrown into concentration camps. Even now, I have problems looking at images of the Holocaust, and not just because it was horrific, but because that was what was supposed to happen to me.
SELF ESTEEM in the organization
by justice for all indid your self esteem increase or decrease after being in the organization for a while?
Growing up a Witness and going to public school brought on so much humiliation that I became a painfully shy and overweight child. To add insult to injury certain relatives would "encourage" me or shall I say make me feel like crap because I couldn't comment at the meetings or give talks. So as the years in the organization progressed, my self esteem plummeted. I have done a complete 180 since those days but my aunt still can not figure out why I am happier away from the borg
Had my first visit today
by Ticker ini've got a couple older "sisters" that come around and call on me trying to share a scripture.
first visit since i moved.
i'm ready to bring up some real watchtower dirt and curious to see how their going to react.
I've been living in the same area since 2003 and I am still waiting for a visit. Maybe my dog scares them away. By the way, Panda, I was in Eau Claire, WI congregation too!!!
The real reason why young people get baptized
by free2beme inthe real reason why young people get baptized .... to make their parents happy and proud.
to be able to get married (which is some cases, is to get away from parents).
... okay, okay, i know it depends on how young we are talking.
Three of my cousins got baptized at the same time. I believe their ages were 9,8, and 6. At the time I was about 10. Shortly after the baptism one of my cousins tried to "encourage" me towards dedication. I told him that kids in my cong didn't get baptized til they were closer to teenage years. His answer to that was,"you could start a trend like we did".
Do the Witnesses apply this scripture?
by JH inso, how would you react if you saw a witness smoking a cigarette?
a) mind your own business.
b) go squeal to the elders.
This situation happened to me. I worked at the same place as an elder in my cong. One day he must have seen me smoking, because my cousin told me he called her parents to let them know that I smoke. He never said anything to me. Where was my "loving counsel"? I suppose he just wanted to score some brownie points with an anointed guy. Oops sorry I meant he wanted to score brownie points with a complete LUNATIC. I wish you could have seen the jaws drop when I casually told my coworkers that he believes in shunning and thinks that Smurfs are demonic. By the way I would not tell on someone if they smoked. As long as they are adults, it is none of my business.
Do You Feel You Give To The Board What You Take Out Of It???
by minimus inthis board is quite helpful in a number of ways.
do you feel that you contribute to the growth of this board or are you just a taker?
Everyday I gain a little more knowledge from this board, so no, I feel that I take far more than I could ever give back.
Is this fair?
by devinsmom inok so some of you may know that i just divorced a man who has been a deadbeat dad to our son from the very start.
i left him shortly after we found out i was prego for several reasons including his not desiring to be there for me as i was scared and newly pregnant, he would rather continue to be an alchoholic loser, out all the time to the bars or in some chics bed or whatever.
so he has not paid any of the ordered child support (my son is almost a year old) he never showed up to any of our divorce hearings.
I'm sorry that both his parents are deceased. I also want to add that heatherg's idea about terminating his parental rights is a good one. I am seriously considering this option myself. I don't want anyone in my daughter's life that has to be forced by the law.
Is this fair?
by devinsmom inok so some of you may know that i just divorced a man who has been a deadbeat dad to our son from the very start.
i left him shortly after we found out i was prego for several reasons including his not desiring to be there for me as i was scared and newly pregnant, he would rather continue to be an alchoholic loser, out all the time to the bars or in some chics bed or whatever.
so he has not paid any of the ordered child support (my son is almost a year old) he never showed up to any of our divorce hearings.
You do need to report him, because child support is swamped with cases and they do need constant reminders. I have been dealing with a dead beat ex-boyfriend for 4 years and only just started receiving child support. Trust me those bench warrents do catch up with them, but it does take a while. My ex-boyfriend has been to jail, I think 3 times, because of his failure to pay. Everytime he went he would pay whatever to get out and then would not pay his support. This last time he was sentenced to 90 days and was being released every day to go and take care of his new baby so that the mom could go to work. (I can tell he never changed). Any ways Child Support petitioned that and the judge ruled that he could only be released for work or work search. Well, it's been a couple of months and I've been getting my check regularly, so I will have to wait and see how long his girlfriend will keep paying for his abandoned child. I assume that it is her that is paying because this guy is slick and will do anything not to work. I do have one question, do his parents try to cover for him or are they supportive of your situation?
diss-ass myself 2 years ago... new to this site
by PaulJ ini disassociated myself just over 2 years ago.
i grew up in the truth so now i feel a bit lonely and out on a limb with no friends.... feels so strange cos i had so many mates in the truth.
i still believe what jws believe and im not seeking an alternative religion or anything like that.
Hi Paul. There are many British people here. I have both UK and US citizenship. I live in America, but my heart is in England. Anyhow, I'm glad you came to this site and I know you will find support here.