Yup -- it's as if they have the patent on the "new light" alibi. Hey -- it's an alibi because something went wrong the first (or second, third, fourth, etc) time. When you change your mind you need an excuse or alibi for your mistake.
my mother-in-law was hounding my husband the other day about our spiritual standing.
conversation led to "the light gets brighter".
he said if that is the case then maybe the light gets brighter for other religions as well.
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
Here are both versions of the labeled 1984 Watchtower covers. Although we're on the road, I'd forgotten that I had sync'd my laptop with desktop so I had the Print Shop Pro files with me all along. Because of JWN caching you may need to refresh your browser before the correct ones shows up. Note that all names and dates of passing should appear. Thanks to all for your help. If you wish to copy the images (on a Windows machine) simply right click as you hover the cursor on the image, then follow the menu choices.
i went outside and to the car this morning for some items and saw some walkers (very slow walkers) approaching, in pairs, a few homes away.
i knew i had a little time to think.
when the doorbell rang i was ready.. we've got a few more days here in houston, just north of braes bayou and near stella link rd.
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
i went outside and to the car this morning for some items and saw some walkers (very slow walkers) approaching, in pairs, a few homes away.
i knew i had a little time to think.
when the doorbell rang i was ready.. we've got a few more days here in houston, just north of braes bayou and near stella link rd.
Thanks JYD and Gary. Hey, that's a great video which I hadn't seen before. I just verified that 1941 WT, page 367 reference -- a new one for me.
Be honest before you joined? Ha -- that's a good one. That means disclosure which they refuse to abide by and using that common human courtesy. Hey, handing a householder a folded, and closed to boot, magazine is the very beginning of lack of disclosure. It proceeds from there.
i went outside and to the car this morning for some items and saw some walkers (very slow walkers) approaching, in pairs, a few homes away.
i knew i had a little time to think.
when the doorbell rang i was ready.. we've got a few more days here in houston, just north of braes bayou and near stella link rd.
That's funny, Moshe. When she spoke during introductions it was clear that English is not her native language. The four of them were black and may be of African heritage.
I thought the use of the child to present the folded magazine was clever, but exploitive. Who can resist being approached by someone so innocent?
i went outside and to the car this morning for some items and saw some walkers (very slow walkers) approaching, in pairs, a few homes away.
i knew i had a little time to think.
when the doorbell rang i was ready.. we've got a few more days here in houston, just north of braes bayou and near stella link rd.
I went outside and to the car this morning for some items and saw some walkers (very slow walkers) approaching, in pairs, a few homes away. I knew I had a little time to think. When the doorbell rang I was ready.
We've got a few more days here in Houston, just north of Braes Bayou and near Stella Link Rd. Close friends are on vacation in China and asked us to stay in their home during the time so we jumped at the chance to stay in brand new quarters that probably cost close to 1 million -- and that doesn't include the cost of the lot.
Having lived near Houston many years ago I had much catching up to do now that wife and I are retired. Museums, the zoo, a horseshoe pitching tournament-- are a few of the many items on my list. Talking with JWs was not one of those items -- but all I needed was a few minutes.
There were 4 on the front porch. A young man whose name is Jonathan Ubuntu (pronunciation and spelling), a 40ish accompanied by what may have been his mother. Then, 2 youngsters less than 7 years old. The little boy handed me a folded (closed) Awake. I welcomed them all warmly and played with the children a bit, asking their ages and other trivia.
Then I opened the folded magazine and acted as if I just discovered who they were. "You must be Jehovah's Witnesses", I said. After his startled remark, I stated that I used to study with them many years ago.
"You stopped studying?", was his comeback. "Oh, yes", I replied. "I learned that instead of the lack of contradictions in their doctrine that seems to be their constant claim, I found far too many of them to believe that they are directed by holy spirit -- which is their claim."
"What do you mean", he said.
"Take the resurrection of the Sodomites. Watchtower has taught 6 different positions on this teaching, that is, whether or not they will get a resurrection. Be mindful that I understand the Witnesses feel that new light is constantly brightening their belief system. However, they started in 1879 believing that those folks back then would be awarded a resurrection, then years later, they taught they wouldn't, and on and on - - yes, no, yes, no, yes, no -- count them (as I held my fingers up). A gradual brightening of some light doesn't happen by going on and then going off like a flashlight."
I added that my early studying motivated me to research their religion, along with a few others, in detail. That I even had the WT library on CD and asked if he had that one. He said he did. Well, I added, you can check out the Sodomite resurrection teaching for yourself. All but the first instance (the teaching back in 1879) is on CD.
He asked what their position is today. I said "no resurrection" and asked how long he has been a JW. He said since 1988.
I said that is quite ironic because it was close to that year in a span of less than 2 years where they changed their position 3 times.
He seemed visibly shaken but was feigning to take this all in stride; but I noted that his mother was very uneasy and squirming.
He asked if he could research this and call back later and talk about it. I explained what we were doing in Houston but shook hands and wished them all well, then went inside.
Len Miller
ps: this topic will probably remain fresh in my mind because of the research on my essay.
watchtowers judicial system .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog addressing a central aspect of judicial process and how its lack in watchtowers system undermines justice and confidence, not to mention undermining the honesty of watchtowers presentation of its system.
the article is titled watchtowers judicial system and is available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/04/watchtowers-judicial-system.html.
Very well done. When one looks at a JW judicial hearing, it appears closer to that of a kangaroo court hearing than that of a U.S. (worldly, despised by Watchtower) court process.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A kangaroo court or kangaroo trial is a colloquial term for a sham legal proceeding or court. The outcome of a trial by kangaroo court is essentially determined in advance, usually for the purpose of ensuring conviction, either by going through the motions of manipulated procedure or by allowing no defense at all.
A kangaroo court's proceedings deny due process rights in the name of expediency. Such rights include the right to summon witnesses, the right of cross-examination, the right not to incriminate oneself, the right not to be tried on secret evidence, the right to control one's own defense, the right to exclude evidence that is improperly obtained, irrelevant or inherently inadmissible, e.g., hearsay, the right to exclude judges or jurors on the grounds of partiality or conflict of interest, and the right of appeal.
inability to spot deception, irony, lies, or sarcasm might be initial sign of dementia.
elderly individuals who lose the ability to tell when somebody is being untruthful, insincere or sarcastic may be showing an early sign of a neurodegenerative disease, such as dementia, researchers from the university of san francisco explained at the 63rd annual meeting of the american academy of neurology in hawaii.
the presentation was called "divergent neuroanatomic correlates of sarcasm and lie comprehension in neurodegenerative disease.".
inability to spot deception, irony, lies, or sarcasm might be initial sign of dementia.
elderly individuals who lose the ability to tell when somebody is being untruthful, insincere or sarcastic may be showing an early sign of a neurodegenerative disease, such as dementia, researchers from the university of san francisco explained at the 63rd annual meeting of the american academy of neurology in hawaii.
the presentation was called "divergent neuroanatomic correlates of sarcasm and lie comprehension in neurodegenerative disease.".