I read all 5 pages of this thread....and not once did I notice
anyone mention the "Physical Abuse" that children go thru at
the meetings and conventions...
Talking about the little ones here.......
I have seen small children, back handed in the mouth, for
whispering, beaten on the legs with wooden spoons, and beg
for "HELP" when finally taken to the bathroom for a more
severe flogging..!!!!! Why..?? Mostly because of disapproving
looks from the Elders....and the "More Mature" ones.
Some of these children were just babies...doing what babies
One child in my cong. had nothing but black and blue marks on
his legs, where his PO father would pinch him severely for his
everymove. Made me Sick..!!! Some would be taken outside
for their punishment... Too Shocking for the rest of the Cong.
to see or hear.
I also noticed when a child was "disiplined"...the "Smiles and
satisfied looks on the Elders faces. The harsher the punishment
the more they smiled, and gave the parents that..."great job"
How can anyone....esp. the GB, who mostly have never had small
children, and never had to deal with them.... expect them
to sit quietly for 3 days at a time, at "Conventions"...
I personally was told, to take my child out (she was 6 mo. old) and
give her a good "swat on the behind". Sorry to say I was so new
and intimidated, I did this.....she screamed bloody murder and then
fell asleep..... The Elder came by and said....."See, it works every
time"...... I hate that I did that...hate that I fell into
doing my child that way....
I stopped it..and took on a more patient attitude with my child. I
am not saying children don't need to be taught to behave, but there
is a line between training and abuse.
So, from some children's experiences, I would say they were terrified
of going to the hall. I know I seen some very pitiful little faces.
Just one more straw added to the pile....