Well I'm certainly not odd, I fit in pretty well with most social groups and seem to get along with most people but I am unique, just as we all are.
Posts by Ellie
Do you think you are normal?
by jwfacts ini always felt unique from everyone else.
being a jw i never quite felt like i was from the same planet as all the other school children.
as a jw i fit in, but still not quite, as i was a bit too indepentdant a thinker.
Who's up for some fun?
by Inquisitor inshake things up a bit in your friendly local congregation of jehovah's witnesses by partaking of their memorial emblems this april 12!
when drinking the wine (i don't think you'd get to eating the bread if you carry this first part out), make sensual, sinful sounds of ecstasy!
better yet, noisily gulp down the whole glass of wine and top it with a little burp!
I'm going to have some fun my own way this memorial, its my partners birthday and we (8 of us so far) are going for a meal at the small hotel that the witnesses all go to afterwards, that should be a right laugh.
Were You Always Feeling Guilty & Unhappy During Your Witness Years?
by minimus inwere you ever really joyful as a witness?
How can you be joyful when you are constantly reminded of all the troubles in the world, when you watch the evening news every night to check out what disaster has happened that could be a sign of armageddon.
Even on field service, they don't actually spread any good news, the opening line is usually something like "What do you think when you see all those starving children over in Africa?", constantly looking for the worst in every situation is not going to bring happiness.
"Joined-As-Adult" JW's: What need did the WT fulfill for you?
by Check_Your_Premises in.
were you able to fulfill or remove that need in some way?
did fulfilling that need make it possible or easier for you to exit the wt?
I was a child dub and have studied on and off as an adult only out of a silly desire to please my family.
However, I can answer for my mum, for her second time round anyway.
Just 6 months after my dad died she shacked up with an alcoholic loser, they never had much of a relationship, he was always in the pub but she depended on him, she just didn't want to be alone.
So as soon as they broke up she decided she wanted to get reinstated, she doesn't go to meetings, shes far too sick for that, but shes happy for the sisters to come and do her cleaning, invite her out for meals etc etc.
Basically shes a JW for what she can get out of it, she doesn't like to feel that shes alone.
Shes also urged me to go back, not for the usual reasons of making god happy and living forever, but so that I can get help with my kids and probably financially too.
New here!!!
by Saiera inhello, i am new in this forum.
i have been trying to find a lot of things since i have a lot of jw around me and always wanted to find evidences to prove them wrong.
i hope to find myself good and find enough information in this site to be able to talk with them.
Hi Saiera, welcome to the forum, I'm sure you will find lots of useful information here, whether the witnesses around you will listen to it is another thing.
Try the 'best of' section, that should get you started.
What Things Were You Deprived Of Because You Were A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini think back at some of the simpler things we couldn't do or have because we were a witness.
i hardly know my father's (worldly) side of the family.
didn't know my grandfather, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins.
I went to a catholic school, they were big on nativities, those advent candle things and such like, I always wanted to get involved, the sparkly little dresses the girls got to wore for the nativity play looked so nice, and also the communion dresses and books and necklaces that everyone got, I really wanted to join in.
she spoke to me
by Ellie in.
theres this really stuck up jw woman who takes her son to the same nursey as my daughter, all the time she has been going there she has blanked me even when i've said "hello".. but today she came over with a big smile asking how i am, i'm guessing next time we see each other she will invite me to the memorial.
Theres this really stuck up JW woman who takes her son to the same nursey as my daughter, all the time she has been going there she has blanked me even when I've said "hello".
But today she came over with a big smile asking how I am, I'm guessing next time we see each other she will invite me to the memorial.
Elders have no manners
by Jez inthere i am, saturday morning, 9am, having a coffee with my kids, hair very messy, no make up, pj's on still, and they show up!
why do they never phone first and make an appointment?
i have asked them to do this but they won't comply.
Exactly! Who do they think they are?!!!!
by mjs mouse, ben injw memorial is coming up, i told myself i'm not going this year, having a mother a couple brothers and two sisters still "in" all pressuring me to attend, saying things like "this may be the last memorial b4 the end", you've heard the spiel before.....crap like that is putting a lot a pressure on me this year, wish they would just stop it and worry about their own crappy lives!
Well atleast they care enough to invite you, not that you should go, but be glad they still think of you and want the best for you, even if their idea of best is a load of old tripe.
This is the second year now that I havn't even been invited, I wouldn't mind if I was disfellowshipped or disassociated, but I'm not and they still don't want me there.
Should I go on this cruise? Help!
by daystar ina woman that i know has invited me to go on a cruise this june.
with us would be her two beautiful daughters (early to mid twenties) as well as two or three other lovely women.
(yes, opportunities would abound, with these as well as others.).
Hi Daystar, I hate to put a dampener on things and be the only boring person on the board but I personally think you should stay at home and save the money.
I'm sure you deserve the holiday but when it comes to looking after kids you can do with all the money you can get, theres bound to be some suprises along the way when you come to move into your new place and a little set aside would not harm.
Besides, could you not save to take your son on holiday next year?