Topics Started by Ellie
please help me
by Ellie ini have a friend who is always argueing with people, just about everyone she comes across actually.. last year she told me that a mutual friend had been talking behind my back, when i confronted him he was shocked and claimed he didn't know what i was talking about.. now her ex partner is seeing a friend of mine and the stuff she has said they are saying about me is really bad, but again they claim its untrue.. if you were in this situation, what would you do?.
first impressions and all that
by Ellie ini was talking to one of the mums at the school this morning and she asked what the jw mums did for work, she thought they must have good jobs because they always dress really smart when picking the kids up, i told her "no, they don't work, the blonde one is a window cleaners wife and the dark one is on the dole", well i don't think she believed me because they dress in expensive clothes and always got a face full of paint and hair all done nice.. i guess its just another sign of their fakeness..
negative attitude
by Ellie indo you think people who are brought up as witnesses have a negative, judgemental attitude?.
i ask because i don't seem to like many people, i make a new friend, think they are womderful to begin with and then before long i start to notice loads of bad points, people start to annoy me.. or maybe this happens to everyone, i dunno.. what do you think?.
xmas dilemma
by Ellie inmy daughter started school this year and in her class are 3 jw kids who happen to be relatives but she doesn't know this.. anyway, i'm pretty much known for my anti witnessing in my town so a few mothers have come up to me and asked what they should do about sending xmas cards to these kids, i don't know what theyshould do or what i should do, i feel mean leaving them out but i don't want to be responsible for them being given cards fromtheir friends only to have them taken away by their parents.. should i maybe send them a non xmassy card and some sweets?
they are only aged 3-4, i feel sorry for them..
daft fashion question
by Ellie inbefore i got pregnant i bought some nice short sleeve shirts, now that i've had my baby they are quite tight across the chest and my belly, so i was wondering if i could wear them open with a vest top underneath, or would this look daft?.
nicked from another forum, start a nasty rumour about the previous poster
by Ellie injust for fun of course, eg, someone say something like ellie eats her own toenails or something.
Questions for JWs
by Ellie inhi everyone, been away for a while so firstly just want to say hello, hope you are all well.. theres a really interesting thread about witnesses running on another board, loads of people are asking basic questions like "why dont you celebrate xmas" etc, and a whole load of witnesses are answering, obviously happy to increase their hours.. i just thought id be evil and ask you lot for some awkward questions to ask them.. so come on, give me your worst.. by the way, the other forum is not witness related at all..
i dont have to get ready
by Ellie in.
even if you have been out for a while, does it ever hit you that you don't have to get ready and rush out to a meeting?.
i just looked at the clock, its 18.30, if i were still in i'd be screaming at the kids now to get ready for the book study, but here i am, not even made dinner yet.. life is good!