Oh no, how come you missed it Crumpet?
Posts by Ellie
Scissor Sisters Appreciation Thread
by Crumpet in.
i don't understand why scissor sisters have not taken off in america the way they have here!.
i've been dying to see them and i managed to get tickets before they sold out for wembley in november this morning.. has anyone seen them live?
Were You Ever a Victim of Jealousy?
by compound complex indear friends,.
despite our noble intentions and the hope that we'll behave ourselves, we are downright human.
i just saw beaches again last night (bought the used tape for four bucks) and was reminded how that evil, green-eyed monster can destroy the best of relationships.
Yes, the one situation which stands out in my memory was when I was around 19, I had left the truth but still had the odd study in a different congregation.
The sister studying with me was an old lady, she was very kind and I spent a lot of time around her flat, she also studied with a middle aged woman who I became quite friendly with, we'd go shopping together and she invited me around her house sometimes for a meal.
Anyway, I was quite unaware there was any ill feeling there between the 2 women, until one night at the Kingdom Hall, the lady I studied with offered me a lift home but I had already arranged to go out for a drink with the middle aged woman.
Well it resulted in an arguement breaking out between the two in the kingdom hall, put me off big time that did.
I had the baby!
by unbeliever ini had the baby on 11/21/06.
we named him dylan rhys.
he's a cute little thing and such a good baby.
Congratulations Unbeliever, thats great news, there is nothing like being a mum, it just gets better and better, and thats a very beautiful Welsh name that you have chosen.
All the best to you and your new family!!
Now Linda is ill!!
by dedpoet infirst it was her mum in hospital, then it was me, just for a night, though i've been ordered to rest and given 6 weeks off work, and now linda (fullofdoubtnow) is ill. she has a really bad bout of flu, which started yesterday, and i expect she'll be in bed for a few days.
i just fed her some soup, which is about all she can manage at the moment, and she's gone back to sleep now.
she sends her love to everyone on the board,i expect she will be posting again in a few days, but for now, she's confined to bed..
Oh poor Linda, hope shes better soon, and what a good man you are looking after her like that, best wishes to all of you.
How do you feel about piercings?
by RichieRich inpiercings are even more common than tattoos, and becoming more popular due to their relatively low cost and seeming temporary permanence.. opinions?.
RWAGONER - I really like yur tattoo, that is so cool, how did you have it done?
negative attitude
by Ellie indo you think people who are brought up as witnesses have a negative, judgemental attitude?.
i ask because i don't seem to like many people, i make a new friend, think they are womderful to begin with and then before long i start to notice loads of bad points, people start to annoy me.. or maybe this happens to everyone, i dunno.. what do you think?.
Do you think people who are brought up as witnesses have a negative, judgemental attitude?
I ask because I don't seem to like many people, I make a new friend, think they are womderful to begin with and then before long I start to notice loads of bad points, people start to annoy me.
Or maybe this happens to everyone, I dunno.
What do you think?
xmas dilemma
by Ellie inmy daughter started school this year and in her class are 3 jw kids who happen to be relatives but she doesn't know this.. anyway, i'm pretty much known for my anti witnessing in my town so a few mothers have come up to me and asked what they should do about sending xmas cards to these kids, i don't know what theyshould do or what i should do, i feel mean leaving them out but i don't want to be responsible for them being given cards fromtheir friends only to have them taken away by their parents.. should i maybe send them a non xmassy card and some sweets?
they are only aged 3-4, i feel sorry for them..
My daughter started school this year and in her class are 3 JW kids who happen to be relatives but she doesn't know this.
Anyway, I'm pretty much known for my anti witnessing in my town so a few mothers have come up to me and asked what they should do about sending xmas cards to these kids, I don't know what theyshould do or what I should do, I feel mean leaving them out but I don't want to be responsible for them being given cards fromtheir friends only to have them taken away by their parents.
Should I maybe send them a non xmassy card and some sweets? They are only aged 3-4, I feel sorry for them.
F***ing cult!
by nicolaou inever since i told my two sisters that i was 'inactive' they've shown no interest in me - that was over five years ago and i mean no interest.
i know other posters here have complained about family members trying to bring them back to the 'truth' but honestly i would quite welcome it.
i mean, they're both pioneering and happy to knock on the doors of complete strangers but they never knock on mine.. what are they thinking of when they think of me?
Get bent, haahhahaa never heared that one before, must be a southern thing.
I know exactly how you feel though and its not nice, atleast you can see the hypocrisy this way though.
daft fashion question
by Ellie inbefore i got pregnant i bought some nice short sleeve shirts, now that i've had my baby they are quite tight across the chest and my belly, so i was wondering if i could wear them open with a vest top underneath, or would this look daft?.
hahaha as if, I know I'm hardly a Trinny or a Susannah but I wouldn't dream of it Fe203girl.
Reflecting on a year of freedom
by fullofdoubtnow inthis is my 5000th post, and on wednesday it will be a year to the date since i was announced as no longer being one of jehovahs witnesses.
i sent my da letter a few weeks prior to that, but i suppose it became official when it was announced.
so i thought i'd look back on the last 12 months, and see where i am now compared to then.
Linda, you sound so happy and in love, I'm so pleased for you, celebrate your year out to the max and look forward to the next.