After taking a feminist theory class, i've often wondered about that. It seems that as a witness, only males have any real worthwhile goals. The females can either pioneer, go to bethel, become missionaries or work at a building project. Sometimes i wonder hwo they expect most women to even stay in the organization.
Posts by Dune
Are You Qualified?
by Honesty inwhen i was a devout jw and a loyal worshipper of the fds i always was reminded by the p.o.
to use only brothers who were 'qualified' in the sound department.. so, after i left the group i have asked myself many times, "am i qualified?".
i am a member of one of the largest churches in knoxville, tn.
What will it be like when I finally D'A MYSELF?
by stillAwitness ini have the feeling that 2006 will be that year.
i finally told my brother about my feelings toward the wt (he was never baptized) and i'm still waiting for him to respond through email.
how do you mentally prepare for it?
I'm so with you. I dont know if i'm going to DA myself, just fade out. But 2006 seems like a pretty good year as any. Good luck ;-).
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
He was newly appointed, in 2003. So i really dont blame him for not knowing, but i dont know,lol.
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
Well this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
Anyway, I was riding in field service with an Elder and our conversation turned to apostasy. Well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.But i digress, this is how our conversation went.
Elder: Well Dune,I was out with Brother Daniels last week and we called on a guy we've been talking to for a few weeks now, his mother was a witness and we were studying with him. Now this guy was always pleasant before, but that day he was different, at the end of the study he went on to start talking about 1975 and how JW's ruined his life.
ME: 1975? I think i heard about it.
Elder: You did? How do you know?
Me: Oh, um, Brother Blue told me about it.
Elder: Oh, well he started complaining about how he didnt go to college and now he's working at a dead end job and how he is blaming jehovah's witnesses for what happened and calling them false prophets. Thats when i had to tell Brother Daniels that we shouldnt go back anymore. Brother Daniels really liked him, but he's clearly an apostate. That just goes to show you, Apostates are everywhere.
Me: hmmm, so what happened in 1975? Brother blue just told me that alot of people left, he called it the great exodus *chuckle*
Elder: O, well, you know, people started thinking that the end was going to come in 1975, and when it didnt alot of people left.
Me: Oh, So JW's just thought that the end was going to come, for no reason, out of nowhere? *innocently*
Elder: Well yes, they were looking for signs, and thought 1975 was the date for armageddon, and it never came, but society corrected them.
Me: Interesting.
I wanted to prod more, but this elder isnt exactly an idiot, It took alot to restrain myself though, lol. -
Jack Chick learns the truth about his Troof!
by AlmostAtheist ini found this in a jack chick parody archive.
(the entire archive is available here:
Now if only they'd make a JW version of that.
Seriously though, how CAN the WTBTS Book Publishing Corp...
by sf in...stop the information that the marvelous tool the internet provides all who seek its inner workings?.
what will they actually be able to do about the momentum of facts, backed by documents and other evidence, that seem to be gaining at a faster pace these days?.
would they, could they actually hear a miraculous voice that of jehovah telling them that the internet is a tool of satan and then produce a scripture the flock would see as divine guidance through the gb, thus through a new article {new light} that they must give it up completely?.
I mean, its really not that easy.
After all the information i've seen, and the involvement i've had in this site. I cant just up and leave everything i've had for the pass 10 years.
I mean, its kind of like you were trapped. You wake up one day and realize that everything you've doing has lead up to the realization that if you did leave, you'd have to start from scratch. Even if you didnt have friends in the congregation, you didnt have any in the "world" either because you were told not to take part in extra curricular activies. Its like your whole reality has been warped and you need the orgo to stay in touch with some sort of reality.
I'm working out what i'm to do next, but i dont think we should any anger should be shown towards the Rank and file of the organization. Its all WE have. Cognitive Dissonance. -
by PMJ inita funny last night i looked through some awakes from 1991 through 2001.and i saw a lot of refrences saying the un is the beast from revaltion there is also a article about the pope visiting the should all read it its the 1996 awake7/8 funny thing is why would some one who is surporting the un say these things about them.ovesly some people ar cluthing at straws
There was an article about the UN early in 2005, i was surprised by it because i didnt understand why the society was painting the UN in a good light. (this was before i joined the site :-D)
Has my biological family stopped shunning me?????
by Elsewhere inone of my favorite movie quotes is from bill and teds excellent adventure: strange things are afoot at the circle k. (bill and ted said this after seeing themselves arrive from the future in a flying phone booth time machine.).
starting last week some very strange things have been happening.
first, on christmas day i got a phone call from my parents phone number.
I dunno what to say, Congrats?
It surely isnt a witness campaign to get back Da'd, DF'd family members, so i think this is all genuine. -
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-1-06 WT Study (Upright--Hosea3)
by blondie indetermined to display loving-kindness, exercise justice, and hope in god.
keep walking in jehovah's upright ways.
I went to highschool with this guy who was seriously uptight, once he even told the elders that he was being hit on by this girl and labelled it as persecution, lol. Anyway@stillawitness, speaking strictly as a person who is still a witness too, I dont think You have to worry about the whole getting excited part, it really is none of their business, however, I think smoking is considered a serious sin. On a personal note, i've sinned a WHOLE LOT of times in my 8 years as a witness, but i've never "confessed" or sought the elders because i thought the sin was between me and Jehovah, just my two cents.
by stillAwitness inthe talk given today sounded pretty convincing.
facts were stated about how our body is designed to live forever (the brain, blood vessels etc) and how all these intricated details about the human body raises us to ask the question: "did not jehovah design us with the purpose of living forever?
now i've read the threads about how there just would not be enough room in the world for all those people.
Those talks are great huh? I remember this one brother who spoke about how the days,planets and months would have to be renamed because they were named after false gods and kings of the pass (August, July, January). He also mentioned that countries might also be renamed. and how if God dried up some of the water, we'd have even more space.