Nope, i dont think i'm an apostate just yet.
Posts by Dune
Do YOU Consider Yourself An Apostate?
by Golf ini find this labeling insulting and misdirected.
i have been lied, deceived/tricked by a group of men posing as god's direct channel of communication.
when a group of men heightens the expectations of a world change to happen in 1975 (armageddon) to its' adherents and nothing occurs and then blame their adherents for thinking such thoughts, this is outright deception.
Anyone ever go on one of those bus trips to bethel?
by limbogirl inback in the late eighties while still in high school instead of doing something fun for spring break i got an all expense paid trip to bethel.
on a bus no less with about 75 other jws headed to the promised land.
somewhere i still have a photo album filled with snapshots of the printing presses and all of the "cadets" happily churning out literature -- and of course all of the female cadets happily scrubbing toilets and doing laundry.
I remember a couple of years ago that the bethel trip was taking place in our congregation. At the time, we were pretty strapped for cash because the ceiling in one part of our house was caving in. Anyway, one of my witness friends told me that the congregation was putting money together to take us to bethel with us (keep in mind we didnt ask for it or tell anyone that we werent going because our ceiling was caving in). Anyway, i never heard ofthis plan again.Its great to know that people care.
Collateral damage
by dinah inhello folks, this is the first topic i've started, so bear with me please.. i had searched the internet to try and find my way, made a stop here a couple of years ago but just now decided to join.
anyhoo, in all my searching i've realized that many ex-jws aren't dealing well.
that raises a question for me, because after finally reading the gospels i realized jesus would never treat people the way the gb does even in the interest of keeping a congregation clean (which is a joke, btw).. the anger seems to come out of nowhere.
I think apathy has helped me, lol.
A part of me still clings to the orgo because theres a part of me that thinks "This really might be true, and God really might be angry that i'm letting these wonder..i mean sly,cunning postates change my mind" But i remember a guy saying that even if it is true, he wouldnt want to spend eternity living in the Physical paradise if its anything like the "spiritual paradise" that we have now.
What is the deal with "greediness"?
by daystar ini don't recall this word being used all that much when i was a dub.
but i've seen people comment on this a bit lately.
so... sinning "with greediness" is different than other forms of sinning?
lol. An elder once told me that sisters should be thought of like this "You can look, but you cant touch".
Self control is one of those things they harp on you while u're dating as a witness. I read in that red youth book which name escapes me right now about how when you're first dating, holding hands gives much enjoyement, then its kissing, but after this point, everything is priviledged to those who are married.
I am no way a spokesperson for the WTBS, but when i think their mentallity is. "Sure they're going to want to kiss, and obviously this guy is going to want to cop a feel, so sure, but if he does it regularly and they go farther each time, then they are getting greedy".
I think this goes back to how many times you've done it (AKA Brother Dune didnt realize that he was crossing the line).It also applies to the Pron examples. Like, Brother Dune succumbed to soft.core pron a few times, but has stopped and can be helped (cause he's confessing). But then you have the brother who has been doing it for years and has been caught by a brother who was using his PC or his wife.
I dont know though, they'll probably elaborate in the months to come.
@ JGNAT I wish they would just up and say that all of the witnesses who were college students were just greedy and thats all they wanted (Thats basically what they convey in all their literature) I think that would be a good kick in the pants that i need to get this fade underway... -
Women can't think for themselves.
by wanderlustguy injust got back from my brother'splace after being there for three weeks.
i forgot how the org teaches you to view women.
his wife just became the manager of a video store, and i felt so sorry for her when she was talking to him about her work.
When i was taken a feminist theory class, i was thinking about how "Dangerous" it would be for a witness female to take the course. lol
I'm so bummed...
by forsharry intook my firefighter physical agility test today.
got to the second part, the hose pull...and then crashed and burned.
talk about supremely disappointing.
Sorry to hear that. I'm not sure if i can really say its the same thing. But i failed my Drivers license test on Saturday,sulked around on sunday, took it again on Monday and passed.You have a month to hone your skills. I dont know you personally, but it sounds like you really want to get into the field. So, i suggest you go over the things that you feel that you are weak in/need a little more practice in and just... do it. I dont know how it is in ecuador, but in the US the firemen look pretty bored between fires, i bet they'd be happy to help you out. You have an advantage because you know what to expect. They wont get you next time
What is the deal with "greediness"?
by daystar ini don't recall this word being used all that much when i was a dub.
but i've seen people comment on this a bit lately.
so... sinning "with greediness" is different than other forms of sinning?
I think it goes for immoral/unclean greedineess and is being used as a means to vary how much someone can be punished.
If you were petting with your girl/boyfriend but didnt expose the genitals, they'd still reprove you but it wouldnt be called greedy as much as if there was mutual masturbation.
Look at the examples that sir82 provided.
Jesus Christ was a Horse Thief
by belbab inthis post is and experiment.
i am following a suggestion of almost athiest.
you can find .
Your chance at a more fullfilling life?
Looking for some advice
by MuadDib ini'm a young man raised in the jws, been meaning to get the hell out of dodge for a few years now (basically ever since starting a history degree and learning why the jw conception of history, science, and indeed of reality is so utterly nonsensical, in addition to having discovered girls and fun).
i have no qualms about leaving the organization, i don't care what the elders or anyone else think about my decision - with the exception of my family.
i love my family deeply and i know that my decision will really hurt them, especially my mother (a full-time pioneer), and this is making me hesitate to do what i know needs to be done in addition to causing me a lot of worry and stress.
Its funny that we both choose names from the same source.
Maybe there is something about Dune that subconsciously makes us question our beliefs, lol.
Rebellious angels.....why were they men and not women?
by gumby inwhen jehovahs angels went ballistic before the flood.....for some reason these angels were only males who wanted all the hot babes on earth.
none of the angels decided to become a girl that went after all the dudes with nice fannys on earth.
how was it that every angel who went bad became a male?.
Well if you dont believe in the bible, you'd attribute it to the fact that men of that time wouldnt have been able to fathom the idea of a feminine God let alone a feminine idea of an angel.