Last thursday, the meeting attendance was 52, we usually have about 80-100 people. It was snowing earlier in the day, but by the time the meeting started it was just rain, i think they just used it as an excuse to not to come. The spanish congregations are growing very rapidly. In my area, they have to split every 4 or 5 years. Also, alot of the brothers from the english congregations are going to to the spanish congregations to serve were the need is great (AKA You're more likely to be appointed in a spanish congregaion and marry some hot hispanic chick :-d.)
Posts by Dune
Scarce at the kingdom hall
by justice for all ini heard that it was scarce at the kingdom hall last thursday night.
the speaker was asking those in attendance to look around and see who was missing and to call them and encourage them to come back to the meetings.
interesting huh?
The "Jerry Springer" crowd
by Simon init seems some are a little 'disappointed' with the latest news and events re: the wts and blood.. they seem to love the jerry springer-type scandal where someone will shout (in the street where it is worthless) that "the president raped me" or "all the gb are gay" or "elvis ate my hampster" or whatever.. hay, yeah, that is great new huh?
that stuff reaaaallllllyyyy makes people think .... .. .. ... that we are f r u i t c a k e s !!.
perhaps those that are so quick to criticise and dismiss will.
One really cant help to be dissapointed if their expectations are way too high.
BeepBeep Needs to Know About 1975!!!
by SWALKER ini know that many of you have the information discussing the watchtower's view on this and why so many thought it was going to be the beginning of armageddon and the mass exodus from the org when nothing happened.
i remember it very well and my mom telling me not to get my hopes up because she had been looking for the ancient worthies to appear for years at the assemblies and that never happened.
then they changed their prophesy on that too!!!
May, probably, perhaps, might, could, possibly, very well, can, almost
These words Guarantee that the WTS cant be held accountable for failures.
Did Jesus have dreadlocks?
by MsMcDucket in .
did jesus (yah'shuah) have dreadlocks?
today, many who have dreadlocks as a casual hairstyle know very little about the origins of dreadlocks.
The whole jesus was black bit. lol. My brother and I have reached the conclusion that even if it was discovered today that Jesus was black, nothing would change for those of african descent.
Anyway, werent the NazERITES the ones that werent allowed to cut their hair and not the NazERENES?
Crazy rasta mons.
Beware is this a new Elder tatic to get you?
by skyman ini have a friend that was dumb enough to allow two elders in his house at the same time to talk to him, he let them in.
i have told him over and over again never to talk to two elders at the same time.
i'll get to the point.
I dont think they can just up and DA him. Especially if he's saying that he's not DA'ing. Expect them to look around to see if he can be taken out on different charges.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Admit to Brainwashing Their Children?
by Mysterious ini recall it was always a buzz word when i was in to "inculcate" your children (deut 6:7) the belief system.
i don't remember exactly what they taught inculcate to mean but i decided to look it up: inculcate .
to impress (something) upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition.
I was at the meeting yesterday setting up the sound system and stage. And this unbaptized publisher brought her grandson to the meeting (he's like 3). This pioneer was talking to her about child rearing.
Anyway, i was doing my thing, but listening to their conversation. The pioneer was telling the publisher that children are a gift from god, and that children are very impressionable, she went onto tell her how some children can even speak 3 or 4 languages. If you havent figured it out, it was from a watchtower article from a couple of years ago.
Then the pioneer, sat the child on her lap and asked him if he could read the yearly text on the front of the hall. She kept repeating "Jehovah is my help" several times before the child repeated after her.
I dont know, but its always annoyed me when people indoctrinate their children. I mean, i've seen 7 and 8 year olds get baptized (hell, i was baptized when i was 11) you cant choose these kinds of things when you are young.
Orwell, 1984, and the Watchtower
by RichieRich inso my english class just got handed (yesterday) 1984, by george orwell.
its a book i've been wanting to read for a long time, but haven't been able to (i read non stop for english class).. so i was really excited when i got the book.
from what i've heard about it, it seemed like it would be really pertinent for people in the watchtower.. all i can say is wow.
My favorite subject from the book is when Winston mentions that the party said they were currently fighting Europa and have always been fighting europa and had always had an alliance with Eurasia. But he knew for certain that the month before they were fighting Eurasia and have Always been allied with Europa.
I dont know if it was proven in the book, but there is a part when wilson stumbles upon a missle in one of the buildings when he is going home, it was like the party was creating this false sense of war to keep control of the people.
First party - WTS, Governing body
Second Party - Witnesses
"Proles" - Non witnesses
Wilson's job as a book/document burner - "New light" Vs. Old Light -
Talking with 9th Grade JW Niece
by Why Georgia inlast night we went to visit my sil and her 3 kids.
my sil is a jw but very nice and never pushes her beliefs upon anyone else.
she's been df'd 2-3 times but is currently reinstated.. i was trying to talk with our niece.
sure wish you were my aunt when i was in 9th grade,lol.
Did you ever see or experience prejudice in the religion?
by free2beme inbesides the strong hatred of woman, that we know the witness religion teaches, did you ever see black bothers ignored in their attempt to reach out to be ms or elders?
did you ever see latinos treated different because of how the local community viewed them?
i know the watchtower teaches that this does not happen, but i actually experienced an event with a black brother that was a friend, that bothered me when i was in the religion.
I'm in a predominantly black congregation, circuit and district. The territory is changing and the consensus is that the whites are throwing the blacks out and are "taking over". Also, when we're at a door and a white person comes (its not very often) and refuses, they usually say stuff like "its cause they think they're better than us". Its funny because they say the most stereotypical things about hispanics, asians and even other blacks (of carribean decent), its just stupidity.
Bethel letter about meetings, field service are mandatory for Bethelites
by VM44 indoes anyone have the bethel letter that states meeting attendence and field service are mandatory for bethel workers?
there is also another boe letter that states meeting attence and field service are voluntary for the ordinary jehovah's witness, because they are volunteers.. i am trying to find both letters as, together, they show bethel workers are, unlike ordinary jws, truly representatives of the watcthower .
I can scan a copy for you guys sunday night after the meeting.