Open Mind, thanks for your comments and concerns.
Item 1: Barbara has an entire section in her book, entitled, "The Three Year Rule". It runs from pages 33 to 38 and makes the following citations, with quotations:
Organization Book, version 1972, page 170, paragraph 2 (if a man had committed a "serious wrong" but two or three years had passed and he seemed to have Jehovah’s blessing and the esteem of the congregation, he could remain in his position, or be appointed.)
October 72 KM Question Box (OR book reiterated and clarified)
November 1991 KM School (72 KM policy reiterated)
1995 WT outline for CO meeting with BOE
Letter from Red Bluff North Congregation, CA to Service Dept, where this policy is referred to
1994 Letter from D.O. Donald Amy to Service Dept. which suggests changing this "three year rule" policy regarding a case of pedophilia (which remained unchanged at least until 2000)
Major lawsuits were filed in 2003. At the 2005 KM School the policy officially changed.
You need Barb's CD.
Item 2: This was an easy one.
Item 3: I have read of many cases where the victim goes to the authorities and is then DF’d. See Silent Lambs, where there is much evidence of this practice, not just in the U.S., but several other countries. All participants in the Dateline program were summarily DF’d a week before the broadcast. You’re correct, there may be no "policy" in writing, but is it just coincidence that so many cases have been handled this way? In a number of different countries? Or is it "unwritten" policy? How many cases are you aware of, pre-2003 when the big lawsuits began, where someone went to the authorities and were NOT disfellowshipped? On Silentlambs alone there are probably more than 100 documented cases with names, dates and locations of people who WERE.
It's kind of like back in 1976 when the elders didn't like it that I objected to them forcing me to administer the magazine dept contrary to the Society's instructions. I didn't buck them. Just asked for another assignment. Result? I was deleted. Little did I know then that there was an unwritten rule that I had to wait 5 years before I could be recommended again. Even elders in the congregation I later moved to told me this was the case. Sure enough, 5 years later (in another congregation) I was re-appointed. So I guess what I'm saying is, any of us who have been elders for any significant period of time, know, especially in the 70's and 80's, there were certain unwritten rules that were followed so steadfastly, that in my mind they amounted to "policy". These were promulgated from nowhere else but Brooklyn. But you make a good point. Perhaps this point should be dropped. Other thoughts?
Item 4: I think this was a matter of semantics, as someone else commented. But I think you are right, it should be re-worded. Perhaps it could read, "Each congregation customarily pays an annual premium to the Society for the Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement, based upon a formula adopted by the Society of $4.50 per publisher." Barbara’s information shows that settlements to victims of abuse ARE being paid from this fund. I too remember these resolutions every year. I never remember a discussion. It was announced, hands were raised and the check was cut.
There is no provision for excerpting copies from Barbara’s CD, and I can’t take the time to re-type everything she has published, nor do I have the right. For those who want to see for themselves, I suggest they order the CD. Then those of us who are researching what is there can make reference to the page numbers.
Other ideas?