Here's a slightly different version, that we used to tell as JW's way back when:
How many Elders(tm) does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None....They get a ministerial servant to do it.
Here's a slightly different version, that we used to tell as JW's way back when:
How many Elders(tm) does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None....They get a ministerial servant to do it.
i remember more than once the wt publications admonisning its readers (non-jw of course) that its healthy to question and test your beliefs, but i no longer have access to a wt cd.
could someone pull up a few of these for me?.
I remember more than once the WT publications admonisning its readers (non-JW of course) that its healthy to question and test your beliefs, but I no longer have access to a WT CD. Could someone pull up a few of these for me?
Thanks so much!!!!
i'm not sure if this has been talked about already, but why are there no windows inside kingdumb halls?
There are 12 congregations in this area and 6 have windows and 6 don't; one was just built recently and has windows.
Interesting, maybe something has changed, or different regions of the country have different rules. I haven't been involved in a QB since about 2001, so it might have changed since then. But when I was involved with RBC's in the South, installing windows was not an option, regardless of what the congregation wanted.
i'm not sure if this has been talked about already, but why are there no windows inside kingdumb halls?
Used to be heavily involved in KH design with the Regional QB Committees, so here's the real reason why new KH's don't have windows:
1. In a three or four day QB project, getting the walls and roof framed the first day is an absolute necessity, or it blows the whole project. Framing for windows takes a lot of extra time and would threaten the project schedule.
2. In an effort to standardize the KH designs across the US to make QB's quicker and easier to estimate costs, the engineering dept. at Bethel developed about a dozen standard KH plans (each with a few options) in the mid to late 80's. Many new KH's would be built in urban areas, and windows are a security threat, in that it is easier for a thief or vandal (or nasty apostate) to break into the KH through a window. So the standard KH designs did not include windows.
3. Because of No. 2 above, insurance rates would be significantly higher for a KH with windows than for one without.
Kingdom Halls built before these standardized plans were implemented in all the Regional QB Committees usually had windows, but it was up to the local congregation to decide whether to have windows or not.
Hope that helps,
PS: A buddy of mine in high school said that his pastor at church stated that the reason the local KH did not have windows was because JW's didn't want anyone seeing what we did inside the KH, such as animal sacrifice. I'm not kidding, he really believed this.
i really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.
F#&$in' A, bubba!
1 thessalonians 5:1-11 .
5 now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
2 for you yourselves know quite well that jehovahs day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
?: What is the problem with reality hitting agnostic/atheistic types right between their eyeballs!
A: It hurts their pride.
It has nothing to do with pride, and everything to do with EVIDENCE!
Do you have any EVIDENCE to support your belief that the scripture you quoted is true?
Secondly, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Would you state it more clearly?
yesterday, my brother and his son were in town visiting.
me and the wife decided to go out and get some pizza to bring back for supper.. when we pulled up to the pizza shop, a guy came up to the car window and gave us his sob story about how he had cancer removed, how he refused to stay in the homeless shelter, and presented a stack of papers stapled together along with his mb health card.
he asked for any change that we may have.
Regarding the lady panhandling and driving a BMW:
This is nothing new, one of the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories, "The Man With The Twisted Lip", was about this exact thing. A hunched over beggar who "sold" matches during the day in the high brow busines districts of London, quoting poetry and great writers. Come to find out, during the course of the story, that he lived like a gentleman in the country, had a wife who thought he was a businessman in London, etc. All his money was from panhandling and investing his panhandling money. The whole hunched over beggar thing was a disguise he would put on after getting to London every morning. Cool story.
I personally don't give money to any panhandlers, because there is plenty one can do to EARN enough money to get by, or there are social programs to take advantage of. I have personally been out of work and abandoned by friends and family (while exiting the JW's), where we lived in a cheap motel and I did odd jobs for enough money to buy some food and pay the rent on the weekly hotel room. I never had to panhandle, ever. I EARNED every dollar I got. We delivered phone books, did odd cleaning jobs, etc. Whatever we could find until I was able to find another job. So I have no sympathy for, or patience with, beggars.
I have done the same as another poster mentioned above, when confronted with someone offering to "work for food", I've offered them a job, for cash and food, to clean up a yard, or mow a yard, or help paint something. Guess how many of these folks every accepted my offer of work? You got it, NONE. Every one of them had an excuse why they couldn't do whatever job it was I was offering. Sorry, but this is a wealthy country (USA), and there is enough work to find if you are willing to work.
1. why the hell do you think i care?.
2. gross, get rid of it!
3. keep it.. 4. eh?
3. Keep it, looks good on ya.
I'm a goatie guy myself, wife love's it.
hello to all im new to the site i have been looking for about two weeks now .i was at brooklyn bethel from 1994 -1999 and i worked in the barber shop office blgd.
(25 columbia heights ) .i just wanted to say hi and that many of your post have really been helpful to me as i have gone though some tough times on all levels .
thanks for letting me just state that .
Would love to hear your story.
Best regards,
every where you live, the local area has something about it that is either famous for something good or something bad.
as an example, you go to one town and it may have the historial site of a famous war battle.
you go to another an it might be the place something was invented, or the birthplace of someone famous.
Fire hydrant capital of the world.
We have a silver coated fire hydrant monument in the center of downtown, it was the 1,000,000th hydrant produced at the fire hydrant foundry located here. They are shipped all over the world. I have seen fire hydrants manufactured here on the streets of Manhattan (during a visit to Bethel, arrgh), Dallas, etc.
A town about 15 miles away is the sock capital of the world, Fort Payne, Alabama, including a sock museum. For more than a hundred years, up until about five years ago, more socks were produced here in the textile mills than anywhere else in the world. NAFTA and China have all but killed the textile industry there, but other industries have taken up the slack. Fort Payne is also the home town of the country music group "Alabama", also with a museum.
Sadly, this general area which incorporates several towns, known as Sand Mountain, has also been infamous as a KKK and segregation stronghold. Even after the civil rights movement of the sixties, it was well known all over the country as a place a black man did not want to be after sundown. Even up until the mid to late 80's, the KKK would hold public fundraising drives where they would stand at the highway intersections with buckets, in full KKK dress including hoods, and solicit donations from drivers. Thankfully, the nasty bigoted old-timers have gradually died off and the area has improved significantly.
Well, that's about it...