What I am after is for people to start thinking out of the box. There is no answer just the exercise of the mind. But latey some have been trying to answer the Question one theory is Parallel universes. The Think tanks of today think that two Parallel unviverses collided and the big bang happened. Which exsplains the E=MC^2 and exsplains GOD. The other is that time is looped and once you reach the end you are at the beginning. I don't think much of the later but both exsplains the E=MC^2. So Yes it can be explained with out The GOD OF creation.
This is not really what scientists are thinking at the moment.
E = M does not have to be explained by the creation, it is just one of the laws of physics. It follows from other laws.
here is a link (I got from elsewhere I guess, in another thread), about theories about what caused the Big bang.
The third hour of videos says something about what you mean (I guess)