From top, hated most, to well less annoying
1) Watchtower study. Boring as hell, takes always longer then 1 hour. Had a congregation where the talks were mostly only 40 miniuts, still the conductor, knew how to make the WT study end 10-15 minutes late. That is more then 1 1/2 hour for a few simple paragraphs.
2) service meeting. Never anything to do. It did not help it was the second meeting also.
3) bookstudy. Well, you had to answer or you were appointed. But anyway, there was room for soem jokes and fun, sometimes.
4) public talk. it depended the speaker. But sometimes the time went quicker to make a list of stupid things he said.
5) theocratic ministry school. much more time spend preparing, then the elders who did the service meeting. More refreshing because sisters had parts.
When I did the TMS and a BS, these were the most interesting, went the quickest, because you had to participate.
Liked to give comments on the talks by the brothers and sisters
hated the preparation though. hated it more when you as conductor was the only one who did not prepare