Thanks all
I understand that when someone is disfellowshipped for cyber sex it is done by email.
if they elders found out that a brother or a sister had a cybersex affaire outside of their marriage what would be the concequence for this.
could that be df?.
would it be seen as uncleaness or porneia?.
Thanks all
I understand that when someone is disfellowshipped for cyber sex it is done by email.
often we see pictures in books or on the net or even in jw magazines of what jesus may have looked like.
i googled jesus and found these pictures of what he may have looked like.. here are a few pictures i saw that didn't match what i expected jesus to look like.
for me, jesus should like like this below .
like this?
i went to kingdom hall today and they had the latest awake for me about evolution.. i guess my kingdom hall is a bit late maybe as i have seen others which had this awake already.
on the first hand it wasn't that bad as i had expected it.
not as bad as the latest creation book anyway.. is there any review done on the artikels here?.
I went to kingdom hall today and they had the latest awake for me about evolution.
I guess my kingdom hall is a bit late maybe as I have seen others which had this awake already. On the first hand it wasn't that bad as I had expected it. Not as bad as the latest creation book anyway.
Is there any review done on the artikels here?
in a recent poll students rated global warming as their number one concern for the future.
i guess terrorism comes in also at the top of the list.
neither of these are included as signs of the last days.
how about "the elements will be intensly hot bla bla bla"
good one!
I will save that one :)
an active jw relative told me, "thousands of muslims were converting to become jws.
" i asked, "where?
" response, "i'm not sure.".
That is certainly not true here, and we have plenty of muslims.
I now only a dozen or so, who actually became JW
i remember at an assembly someone saying "oh yeh thats such and such, he's can really tell" or something like that.. are those claiming, that they are annointed nutters?
did their alphabet spaghetti spell it out for them?
personally i think they are either very very confused, big headed or nutters
the most I knew, were certainly in the 'ínsane' catagory.
Then there were a few that were as you would expect them to be. Nice, friendly, special persons. Those make me wonder, why they use...
an informal discussion
there was a brother who, quite honestly, was very well educated and received.
exceptional grades while in school.
what I lost?
nothing much, only my life....
if they elders found out that a brother or a sister had a cybersex affaire outside of their marriage what would be the concequence for this.
could that be df?.
would it be seen as uncleaness or porneia?.
actually this case I heard of, is a sister....
it was much easier for me when we used to charge for literature than ask the householder if they wanted to contribute to the worldwide work.i was too embarassed.
that's why i just gave the literature away and not put them on the spot.. the witnesses that did ask the householder to contribute would usually never get a donation.. what was your experience?
I was too shy to ask mot of the time. If they did not figure it out by themselves I did not like begging for mpney.
even before when thay had to pay, I did not ask, and just payed myself if they did not give anything. Even I worked only a few days to have more time for the important work....
luckely most people didn't like it even it is free