Sounds about right.
It's hard to imagine a more colossal waste of time than JWs engaged in their "lifesaving ministry".
How do they get their hours?
The apathy carts are a big thing now. There are a bunch of cities around the world which have "special metropolitan public witnessing programs" - which is just a bunch of carts that are manned by shifts of 3-5 JWs over the course of 10-12 hours per day.
In my city, for example, there are 5 "metropolitan witnessing" locations, manned 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. A shift is 2-4 hours. I.e., there are thousands of "hours" per month to be had just standing mutely at a cart watching people ignore you all day.
There are a ton of pioneers who get, I would estimate, 30-50% of their "time" per month at these apathy carts.