"Alexa, tell me how Lett manages to do all that $#!+ with his face."
Posts by sir82
JW.Org Content on My Amazon Echo (Alexa)
by BluesBrother inbut you can now enable a jw.org.
skill on alexa and you too can hear the daily text, w/tower material, kingdom songs , selections from broadcasts , audio bible dramas ...and more from your echo device.
what fun!
Is this something new?
by Butyoucanneverleave injust heard from a friend who keeps in touch with the jw's.
a person who has been studying found out some things on line about the witnesses and decided to not get baptized and stopped attending the meetings.
she lives with a witness.
How can they do this if she is not baptized?
They can't.
It's either nitwit elders who don't know their own rules, or they are trying to intimidate her.
Or a combination thereof.
If they tried it, the CO would run roughshod over them on his next visit.
7 New Files Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2019--prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--10-14--follow up tp prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--example notice to cease and desist for congregation2019--example notice to cease and desist for watchtower2019--guide to configuring kingdom hall audio and video system computer-s-132-e2019--example midweek meeting schedule-s-140-e2020--example year text-yt20-eall are in this zipped folderhttps://we.tl/t-dheuiguqtf atlantis!
When doing prison witnessing the elders have been informed not take drugs or potential weapons in.
Only in WT-world would "leadership" have to be explicitly told that it would be a bad idea to take along drugs or weapons into a prison.
"Well, there's no Watchtower article saying that I can't take these razor blades to the inmates, so I guess I will...what's that? There's a letter from the branch saying not to? Oh, OK, the slave knows best!"
Did Jeruselm fall in 587 or 586 BCE?
by Doug Mason ini came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. http://www.rcyoung.org/articles/jerusalem.pdf .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Y'know, in troubled times such as these, it's reassuring to know there are some things you can count on.
The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.
The tide will go out, then come in, then go out again.
And on JWN, in any thread whose subject is Jerusalem's destruction by Babylon, dozens of JWN posters will yet again argue furiously, and to no avail, with the one-note troll known as "Scholar".
KHConf - I had no idea how big it has become!
by sir82 inif you are a jw in the us or canada, you probably already know about "khconf".
it is a business that has been set up (presumably by some jws somewhere) that supplies call-in numbers and teleconferencing for shut-ins to listen to kingdom hall meetings.. they have their own website: www.khconf.com.. .
what i didn't know is how much they've spread!
I could give you a better answer if I knew what/who the HU is!
What the HU are you talking about?
The reactive mind vs the thoughtful mind...
by RayoFlight2014 ina thought came to me as i was posting on another topic.
my reactionary mind, responding to watchtower's cruel and hostile treatment of genuine truthseekers who can no longer reconcile with watchtower's narrative was, " may the collapse begin".. but then my thoughts turned to how that would affect my parents and siblings who are blissfully oblivious with their collective heads in the sand.
all their hopes and future joy has been postponed for decades awaiting paradise while fighting off the black dog that is depression.
The WTS has no monopoly on providing a "crutch" for those who need one.
If the WTs were to collapse in a flaming fireball, after the initial shock wore off, most JWs would glom onto [some other religion].
Those who crave strictness and rigidity would pick some other high-control group - there;s plenty to choose from. Those who were in it more for the social aspects would join up with the Unitarians or the Methodists or whatnot.
I wouldn't worry too much about how JWs would react to the demise of the WTS - they'd get over it pretty quickly.
I Wonder if Tight Pants Tony Helped to Write this on Sobriety in between sips of malt
by Slidin Fast infrom the official agm report: are you completely sober?.
brother geoffrey jackson made practical application of texts in the christian greek scriptures that use a term that literally means “sober.” he also stressed the importance of continuing to ‘keep our senses completely’ (literally “being sober perfectly”) during these last days.—1 peter 1:13.. .
Isn't the AGM one of the occasions where it's pretty much a nonstop booze-fest at all NY Bethel locations soon as the meetings are over?
I know that's the case with Gilead graduations.
November 2019 Watchtower (Would love to hear the comments in the hall)
by pleaseresearch infrom the november 2019 watchtower study edition.. how many of you would like to know what the brothers and sisters would respond to this question.
also, if you went into a hall how would you like to respond to the question.. 8. how should we respond to lies?.
8 satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
Sure, absolutely - we should reject "lies" whether they come from "apostates" or anyone else.
But what about the case where "apostates" tell the truth? What should "we" do then?
If anyone ever makes the claim that they don't focus on Money ALL the time...
by HiddenPimo ini saw this mentioned on reddit but no link - i found the article form this weeks bible study..... in the “congregation bible study” part of the meeting this week there was a part that said and i quote: “only jehovah god and his son can receive someone into the heavenly kingdom or the paradise on earth under that kingdom.
we should diligently cultivate friendship with them by using what material riches we have in supporting kingdom interests”.
Every other Christian denomination: You are saved by faith / grace
JWs: You are saved by "cultivating friendship with God by giving us your money".
Actually, that's probably unfair - come to think of it, there are plenty more Christian denominations which tie their adherents' salvation to their generosity.
Another Doctrinal Flip-Flop As Of Oct 2019 - RE: Locusts In Joel 2
by pale.emperor init's seems that even the revised edition of the book revelation: it's grand climax a hand was wrong again.. in the 2019 agm david splane "clarified our understanding of the prophecy recorded in joel 2".
you mean he done a 180 reversal.. from revelation: it's grand climax a hand page 143, para.
10's or 100's of thousands of kids have been molested by 10's of thousands of JW child abusers, thousands of JWs are dying from lack of blood transfusions, thousands of JW families are broken up by the disfellowshipping practice....
...and the GB spends its time determining what exactly an iron-age goat-herder had in mind when he used the word "locust" in his writings.