7 New Files Just Arrived!

by Atlantis 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    2019--Prison Witnessing Training Seminar

    2019--10-14--Follow up tp Prison Witnessing Training Seminar

    2019--Example Notice To Cease And Desist For Congregation
    2019--Example Notice To Cease And Desist For Watchtower
    2019--Guide To Configuring Kingdom Hall Audio And Video System Computer-S-132-E
    2019--Example Midweek Meeting Schedule-S-140-E
    2020--Example Year Text-yt20-E
    All are in this zipped folderhttps://we.tl/t-dhEUiGuQtF

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I love the cease and desist notices. That would make them sit up a bit. Well done.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    I thought these were all WT files. Did they really make this template, as a step up from Do Not Calls?

  • Biahi

    Prison witnessing-emphasis on pedophiles.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    When doing prison witnessing the elders have been informed not take drugs or potential weapons in.

    Also they are to be especially careful with keys (if they are issued) and they must leave doors and gates as they found them – locked or open.

  • sir82

    When doing prison witnessing the elders have been informed not take drugs or potential weapons in.

    Only in WT-world would "leadership" have to be explicitly told that it would be a bad idea to take along drugs or weapons into a prison.

    "Well, there's no Watchtower article saying that I can't take these razor blades to the inmates, so I guess I will...what's that? There's a letter from the branch saying not to? Oh, OK, the slave knows best!"

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    They dont know razor blades are weapons

    No more yearly visits by elders to see if the householder still is hostile?

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    They had a follow up to the Prison Witnessing Seminar. Looks like they have spent a lot of time on this. Does anyone know if they have seminars on widows and oprhans?

    Also I was surprised to see that all COs are described as taking an active interest in prison ministry.

  • jp1692

    The Cease and Desist letters are intriguing.

    Any ideas as to why the WTBTS would send this sample to the elders? It seems like an odd thing to do.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    The part about JWs visiting under the '"pretence" of updating records seems critical and not the wording JWs would choose. Where did that form come from?

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