Probably the last "Gilead update" from the infamous "friend of a friend", as the class graduates this upcoming weekend.
Here is one of the topics discussed recently in class:
Sometimes the elders feel overwhelmed with taking care of a large
congregation. If we talk averages, an elder may have to look after 15 to
20 publishers. The elder may have difficulty trying to get around to
everyone to shepherd them regularly stating that his family, secular and
other responsibilities prevent him from doing so. Well, if we look at
Abraham's example we can see he could have been overwhelmed with
everything but wasn't. When he had to rescue his nephew Lot he got his
318 slaves together to do the rescue. (Gen 14:14) The scripture calls
them "trained men". Where did they get their training? If they were
Abraham's slaves then he obviously he trained them personally. As an
elder can you imagine training 318 brothers to reach out besides helping
their wives and children? 15 to 20 doesn't sound so bad now does it?
So, to you slacker elders out there: What the #$&!% is your problem? How dare you think a weekly schedule of 5 hours of mind-numbing meetings, 3 hours of transportation to/from meetings, hours of pointless elders meetings, 4 hours of field service, 5 hours of meeting preparation, plus personal study, "upbuilding association" with the brothers, 40-60 hours of secular work, and, um, what else, oh yeah, occasionally spending time with your family, is burdensome!
Why look at Abraham! Did he complain about shepherding his 318 slaves? Of course not! He gladly helped train his "ministerial servant" slaves to come with him on shepherding calls to Brother & Sister Goat-Milker and their 14 children. If Abraham could personally spend hours and hours each month with each and every one of his 318 slaves, giving them all the attention they needed, and still had time to engage in personal study and witnessing to those godless Canaanites all around him, why can't you handle those piddling 15-20 in your book study?
More! More! More! You elders sure are a lazy, shiftless lot, aren't you!