To the lackey hired by the WTS to monitor this site who is reading this right now:
Hey, could you let us know the expressions on the faces of the WT legal dept. when you tell them this? We'd love to hear about it.
yesterday, i posted a question for a friend in texas as to whom he should contact to report sexual abuse from the 1960s by a jw pioneer/elder who is now deceased.
(incidentally, there are plenty of people who are still alive and in the organization who were very aware of the circumstances and who can be summoned to give testimony regarding these accusations.
) so, my friend called the zalkin law firm.
To the lackey hired by the WTS to monitor this site who is reading this right now:
Hey, could you let us know the expressions on the faces of the WT legal dept. when you tell them this? We'd love to hear about it.
i have a married cousin who has moved to work at the walkill farm.
what is the financial situation of someone like this?
i would assume they do not build social security or medicare.
The GB members and their wives get the most privileged treatment
The "GB Helpers" get the same deal, pretty much. Basically anyone who shows up on JW Broadcasting in a regular role is a "Bethel rock star".
i have a married cousin who has moved to work at the walkill farm.
what is the financial situation of someone like this?
i would assume they do not build social security or medicare.
As Crazyguy wrote, it could be that he has just accepted a temporary assignment of a few weeks or months. If so, then his only compensation is room & board for the time he is there.
i have a married cousin who has moved to work at the walkill farm.
what is the financial situation of someone like this?
i would assume they do not build social security or medicare.
Is he a full-time Bethelite?
If so, he would have signed an agreement to join the "special order of full time servants" (don't recall the exact name). It's basically a "vow of poverty", such as monks & nuns sign.
They will get a small stipend (a few hundred dollars per month at most), but also have all their food, clothing, shelter, and medical expenses covered.
Neither Bethel nor he will contribute to Social Security nor Medicare while he is in the "special order".
The only way he can "get ahead on finances" is if he has wealthy & sympathetic friends or relatives who give him substantial "gifts". Some Bethelites make out like bandits, but most are wholly dependent on Bethel for survival.
If they leave or are kicked out, in general, they are on their own and will have to rebuild their lives.
Some long-term (20+ years of service) Bethelites who are "reassigned" (kicked out) might get reassigned as "special pioneers", who get a slightly larger stipend & still have their medical expenses covered, but are on their own for food & shelter.
blondie’s first thoughts review 8-18-19 (june 2019)(pages 8-13)(overturn reasoning).
excellent general website: .
The Awake masthead for decades, until 1995:
This magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before thegeneration that saw the events of 1914 pass away.
(Bolding mine)
So...let's apply this Watchtower article's reasoning.
Did God really say that the generation that saw the events of 1914 would not pass away before Armageddon?
Evidently not.
That statement that appeared in every Awake magazine for decades was false.
So who lied - God or the Watchtower Organization?
If it was God, why should we worship him?
If it was the organization, why should we trust them? What other words have they put in "the Creator's" mouth that are, or will be, demonstrably false?
remember top shelf tony da turd broadcasting that world wide 2 years ago at the end of the convention?
well 2 years later do we see the slightest hint of the nation's declaring peace and security or going after religion?
so how was it imminent?
It's closer than the inside of your eyelid!
Don't buy any green bananas!
We're in the last seconds of the last days!
<Yawn>...same crap I've been hearing for the past 50+ years.
thought experimenttake the classic definitions of "god" and deconstruct it layer by layer by asking achingly simple questions.ready?
go!_____god is (fill in the blank with the usual definitions).
"It's a mystery"
The preferred refuge of theists, when confronted with logic, for thousands of years.
alice laughed: "there's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things.".
"i daresay you haven't had much practice," said the queen.
"when i was younger, i always did it for half an hour a day.
Terry, Terry, Terry....
I have had it explained to me quite clearly by eminent WT Bible scholars that before the flood, the highest mountains were only a few thousand feet high.
The force of so many millions of tons of water caused the mountains to grow from a few thousand feet to 29,000+ feet, over the course of the year the earth was flooded.
Plate tectonics, shplate tectonics. This is all Bible-based.
just was thinking how some powerful quotes, remarks, sayings hit the mark with me and how much it enriched/ enhamced/influences my life.
love beyond color.
reality is that which when you no longer believe in it , does not go away.. “the truth is a battle of perceptions.
Never take rock for granite.
source :.
1) This looks like a photo taken well before the session starts
2) Even if not, maybe only 2500 or so were assigned to this convention? The WTS doesn't assign so many people to a convention location that it would overflow.