Is he a full-time Bethelite?
If so, he would have signed an agreement to join the "special order of full time servants" (don't recall the exact name). It's basically a "vow of poverty", such as monks & nuns sign.
They will get a small stipend (a few hundred dollars per month at most), but also have all their food, clothing, shelter, and medical expenses covered.
Neither Bethel nor he will contribute to Social Security nor Medicare while he is in the "special order".
The only way he can "get ahead on finances" is if he has wealthy & sympathetic friends or relatives who give him substantial "gifts". Some Bethelites make out like bandits, but most are wholly dependent on Bethel for survival.
If they leave or are kicked out, in general, they are on their own and will have to rebuild their lives.
Some long-term (20+ years of service) Bethelites who are "reassigned" (kicked out) might get reassigned as "special pioneers", who get a slightly larger stipend & still have their medical expenses covered, but are on their own for food & shelter.