That Mark wasn't even an MS yet and in his late teens partaking of the emblems.
Always wondered when he started to partake.
In a sense, you have to admire his tenacity, being such a young kid and enduring all the side-eyes & snickers when he reached for the plate, year after year, but keeping his head down and not doing anything overtly goofy. Lots of self-discipline.
There was no guarantee he'd grow up to be a GB member - in fact, in the 80's, everyone expected the end "soon" because of the [old light] generation teaching and it had been 70+ years since 1914.
Don't get me wrong, he's just as delusional as any of the on the GB, but it's kind of impressive that he "stuck to his story" despite undoubtedly intense scrutiny & discouragement at the beginning.
It's a shame he didn't / couldn't channel that tenacity to do something at least vaguely beneficial instead of following a silly "theocratic career path".