Love the guy in the black coat in the first picture. Looks like he's about to hock a loogey.
Posts by sir82
25's new miserable picture
by neat blue dog inin the new article about the international convention in manila, the picture of the crowd is pretty telling.
they look so drained and miserable!.
Assembly day cleveland ohio Willoughby ass hall
by nowwhat? inthought i was done going but want to keep family happy.
anway they found away to make the theme about love as dry and monotone as a corporate board room meeting.
932 attendance.
There is a fixed amount, $ per publisher, for each person belonging to a congregation assigned to that assembly. Last I remember it was $10 a head.
What most likely happened is that they shuffled the circuit around a bit. Likely there were 1100 - 1300 publishers assigned to that assembly in the past, but now the number assigned is around 800.
Add in kids who are not yet publishers and you get an attendance of 932.
By the way, the $10 (or whatever) per publisher is supposed to be a hush-hush, top-top-top secret. So you didn't hear it from me
January 2020 WT, earthly hope
by neat blue dog inone of the latest wts rehashes this core jw theology.
i know it's old hat, but i feel it's always worth pointing out, as it's one of the major things to wake me up and it's relatively easily proven using the bible alone.. throughout the bible, there aremany examples of men of faith who re-ceived holy spirit; yet, they did not havethe hope of living in heaven.
john the baptistwas “filled with holy spirit.” (luke 1:13-16) jesus said that there was no mangreater than john, but then he said thatjohn would not be included in the heav-enly kingdom.
Ah yes, the old "you worms better stop partaking of the emblems! Stop it! STOP I SAID!" article to be considered a few weeks prior to the 2020 Memorial.
Those articles seem to be having less and less effect, as the count of partakers continues its double-digit percentage growth, roaring thru the 20,000s and on up to 30,000+ soon.
But of course, the WTS being the WTS, they have no new ideas, no creativity, no nothing, so they just keep repeating the identical message and hoping "well, maybe this year they'll will listen..."
The new JW Bible
by silas hobbs ini was recently informed that the new jw bible was reviewed by some academic type person who rated it as one of the best translations available.. has anyone heard of this person and if so what is his reasoning for giving it such a compliment?.
All translations, 100% of them, will have some bias somewhere. It's impossible to not have bias when translating such a large collection of books written by different men with different viewpoints from different cultures over many centuries.
The NWT, after discounting its obvious biases*, is probably a pretty decent translation for 98 - 99% of its contents.
* examples: the comma in Luke 23:43, 1 Corinthians 7:36 (bad enough when it was "toward his virginity", now it is inexcusably biased as "by remaining unmarried"), many if not most of its insertions of "Jehovah" into the NT, etc.
The real dividing line isn’t between apostates and apologists it’s between...
by slimboyfat inexcellent observation from zizek about communist regimes: they didn’t care if people accepted the ideology or took it seriously, so long as people acted as if the ideology was true, that was the important thing.
in fact the regimes were deeply suspicious people who took the ideology too seriously.
people who took the ideology seriously were dangerous because they were prone to noticing the inconsistencies and flaws in the system.
Agree 100%.
The "ideal Witness" is one who performs all the "right" actions with their mind completely unengaged.
How it will end for the believers
by iankiptoo intoday, many signs have been fulfilled showing that we are in the end times and much has been said in regards to armageddon, tribulation... etc but little in regards to what happens to those who believe and what transitions them to be free and escape from all that to the final destination.
this is my focus and message is based on creation, there were two trees at the centre of the garden of eden and we are familiar with what happened;man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and then we are familiar with the ramifications afterwards.
now through jesus christ, the events that will lead to the end for those who believe are in 3 stages1.knowledge will be increased (daniel 12:4)there will be a transition, knowledge will transition from that of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to also include knowledge of the tree of life and this brings with it a transformation that will bring in the second phase2.healingthe knowledge/belief/faith will bring about spiritual transformational healing, also practical knowledge i.e.
I like turtles.
Mark Stephen Lett Raps about Murmuring and Other Urgent Jehovah's Witness Issues
by BottleGate_ in
Of course everyone always comments about his rubber face & wiggling eyebrows.
But have you ever noticed his fingers? They're freakishly thick. It's like he's got 5 bratwursts on each hand.
JW women should NOT wear high heels...
by The Fall Guy in...because high heels originated with the persian military!.
Ha - JW men should not wear neckties! (it was a part of a Croatian military uniform).
JW Library, yet another knockoff
by neat blue dog inhere's the mormon's "gospel library", released 3 & 1/2 years earlier:.
Evidently, the Mormons & the JWs hired the same app developers....
Organized Book Change
by thedepressedsoul ini made this post yesterday.
i couldn't remember my login info for this account.
Here are the changes:
-- Inserted a statement indicating that the elders can inform new publishers and remind those approved for baptism that (1) the elders collect personal information on the Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21) so that the organization can continue to care for the religious activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide and so that he may participate in spiritual activities and receive spiritual support and (2) any personal information is handled according to the Global Data Protection Policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses found on
-- Inserted direction for the coordinator of the body of elders to ask the baptism candidate if he has made a personal dedication in prayer to Jehovah to do His will.
-- Inserted direction that when the baptism candidate is a minor, his believing parent(s) should be present for the sessions.
-- The number of sessions held with the baptism candidate to determine whether he qualifies for baptism has been reduced from three to two.