More than one Theocratic Ministry School overseer:
"Correct pronounciation is so important..."
pronunciation is so hard.
the butchered word this time is scourge pronounced as skorj.
4 different people, maybe because the reader did it first.. these same ones also pronounce the w in sword.. a pet peeve of mine is blatantly not learning how to speak and pronounce the native tongue.
More than one Theocratic Ministry School overseer:
"Correct pronounciation is so important..."
i'm 43 and a divorced mother of 2. in january 2019 i met the man i thought i could spend the rest of my life with.
we were happy and even though our relationship wasn't perfect (like all relationships) i thought we had a chance and were building a life together with our young kids.
background on me - i've been divorced since 2012 after 12 years of marriage.
Account #12.478 (I think, literally) over the past year of "I'm a female non-JW, I started dating a JW man, then he dumped me because he wants to be a JW again".
All 12,478 stories are virtually identical.
Not sure what it all means.
the organization looks every passing day more and more like a building firm made in usa:.
To me, one of the interesting things was Losch. He gave the opening talk.
Just a few weeks before the annual meeting, at the Gilead graduation, he gave the talk on Armageddon date-setting, and how so many other people & groups had set dates which (obviously) were false, and the JWs had done that too (he specifically mentioned 1925 & 1975), but in that case, it wasn't really all that bad (so his argument went).
I noted in the thread covering that topic, that Losch "read the talk with all the warmth, feeling, and enthusiasm of a hostage reading his captor's statement at gunpoint." He was extraordinarily nervous, mispronouncing words, stumbling, stuttering - a complete mess.
In the GM opening talk, in contrast, he was far more animated, relaxed, and comfortable. As I noted in the other thread, he's never been a dynamic speaker, but by his standards, it was about as good as it gets.
I guess he really didn't like to have to discuss the WT's failures.
the watchtower september 1, 1951, in a wonderful article entitled “hated for his name”(pp518,519) describes the persecution and martyrdom of steadfast christians in the first 3 centuries ad.. “by the year (a.d.) 64 christianity was prominent throughout much of the roman empire, including the capital city rome itself.
their individual characteristics, form of worship and steadfast refusal to compromise thereon had madethe christians sure targets of hostility and ridicule.
that year, the tenth in the reign of emperor nero, rome was swept by a conflagration so great it is yet the object of poetry and legend....diocletian assumed the crown a.d. 284.. at first he seemed friendly to the christians, but in the year 303 he gave in to persuasion and opened the tenth persecution, probably the most ferocious of all.
how does the WTS know these were not real Christians?
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
JWs don't have leaders... just men who take the lead.
This one kills me every time.
Sometimes they are bold enough to put these two absurdly obviously contradictory lines in the same @#$%^& paragraph.
JW's should outlive their "worldly" counterparts. After all, they don't smoke, take drugs,
drink excessively,
over eat,
Not sure what congregation you attended, but....
An awful lot of JWs could drink Karen Allen (Tibetan bar scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark") under the table.
And the quickest way to commit suicide by "trampled to death"? On a Sunday afternoon, go to the Golden Trough, er, Golden Corral, and stand between a table of JWs and the buffet trough when a fresh cauldron of mac & cheese is put out.
Hoo boy - "don't drink excessively or overeat" - well, maybe in the Congo.
from post.... "breaking news from japan ... actually quite extraordinary news.
just got off the phone to a good pimo friend in japan.
Sounds pretty incredible - hard to believe that out of 11 guys, not one decided to "remain loyal". I remain skeptical.
i notice the friends are in an anne frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.. the giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money.
Is there a bucket in the corner for a toilet?
Exactly what I was thinking - how long is that group planning to be shut up in there? Without ventilation?
If more than a couple of hours, there's going to be some smells that would make "torture by agents of Satan" likely the lesser of 2 evils.
for many years since the witness organization, after i have told people that i'm no longer a jehovah's witness, people would say "oh the religion were people are not allowed to drink!".
"no they drink alright.....they can't do much of anything else but they do drink!".
in fact the first place i ever got drunk was bethel.
HE WAS A MAJOR ALCOHOLIC. It actually was a big joke how much he drank. Died in his 90's, still an alcoholic.
Was anything ever done to him? Was he DF'd? Nope
Can't remember if it was an elder's school, or a meeting with a CO, but we once had an in-depth discussion on whether "being an alcoholic" was a DF offense.
Answer: Nope!
The Biblical injunction is against "drunkenness". "Alcoholism" is not mentioned in the Bible, so no problem, just so long as the alcoholic is not evidently impaired.
There was a whole 'nother section on the "Biblical definition of drunkenness" - basically, the scriptures from Proverbs about "seeing strange things" and having "wounds for no reason".
Conclusion - so long as you aren't stumbling drunk, hallucinating, or passed out, it's all good!
I $#!+ you not.
So, yeah, no surprise that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of alcoholic JWs.
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
JWs abhor and detest the vile Babylonish practice of having "clergy". All JWs are ministers, there is no such thing as JW clergy.....
....Except for those times when the WTS is sued for criminal negligence in child abuse cases. At which time, every single word of communication between Bethel and the local body of elders is protected due to "clergy - penitent privilege".