Resurrecting animals?
Don't know about you, but I think I wouldn't want to live on a planet or 40 or 50 quadrillion resurrected cockroaches....
the watchtower doesn't hold out any hope for us ever seeing our beloved animals again.
i find it very difficult to believe that god -- a god of love -- would refuse to resurrect an animal that we had become so attached to.
over the years i have bonded with no less than four (4) dogs, all of which were/are like family to me.
Resurrecting animals?
Don't know about you, but I think I wouldn't want to live on a planet or 40 or 50 quadrillion resurrected cockroaches....
there's a post on exjw reddit stating that the ibsa are planning on building a media operation at the sydney bethel.. the estimated cost is $10 million aud and this in spite of the fact that they still have not joined the redress scheme or attempted in any monetary way of assisting abused victims within the organization.. the link below includes detailed plans.
they will be converting part of the current printery into a media complex.. they also propose to build a theme park in the form of a historical biblical site, including a man made mound and what one person suggests is a temple.. its not surprising that a bunch of old men in new york has dreamed all of this up - film sets in new york, england and now australia.
they are bonkers but it's a novel way of getting money from their followers..
If the Society really believed Armageddon was imminent they would be bunkering down
( no pun intended ) and simplifying things , just as they are always telling the rank & file to do.
They've said more than once in their broadcasts that they expect all their buildings to "survive Armageddon".
i'm not sure who wrote the following article, but it bears repeating: (please take the credit if it was you.).
solid proof for 1914.
"as evidence of their falsehoods, look at the timing for armageddon.
You can prove it with pyramidology.
Pyramid inches! Another good WTS ret-con to make sure that their deduction of "1914" was correct.
Just think - if Princip would have missed his shot and the war hadn't started until, say, 1916, we'd all be talking about how "Babylon conquered Jersualem in 605 BCE".
meeting part comment on how the flood covered everest.
that is even more ignorant than mountains being pushed up and eroding in a few thousand years.
and it wasnt cold either.. i should have commented on the bristlecone in the awake that survived the flood.
The WTS could get around 90% of the impossibilities and logical absurdities of the flood being a literal [100% of the earth's surface underwater for a period of a year] thing, if they just took the tack that it was a large but localized event, and that the "world" referred to in Genesis carries the same meaning as what they teach about Colossians 1:23 - the expression "all creation under heaven" means merely the "known world".
But they've dug their heels into Biblical literalism for so long they just simply can't bring themselves to do that.
i remember when i was a kid in the early 70s that we always had a baseball game or picnic where they would get together and bring a dish to pass.
every summer there was one or more.
we had canoe picnic parties and camp fires ect.
get a pair together alone and they'll be humping for sure....
Oh lord don't get me started....
Once, a lifetime or 2 ago, I was slated to lead Sunday morning field service (meeting was in the afternoon). Just one other sister showed up - 20 years older than me, not particularly attractive, and definitely a bit "off" upstairs. The point being, she didn't have to worry.
But, she insisted on In field service. To make return visits.
'Cause, you know, 2 people of the opposite sex in a car, any car, any circumstances, and humping will inevitably occur, just as sure as the sun sets in the west.
So, yeah, we spent the whole morning following one another in our own cars. She's follow me to my return visit, I'd follow here to hers, and so on.
the following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.
Wait, wait, wait - we're having an argument about whether Jesus took a dump?
Holy $#!+.
i remember when i was a kid in the early 70s that we always had a baseball game or picnic where they would get together and bring a dish to pass.
every summer there was one or more.
we had canoe picnic parties and camp fires ect.
There are occasional photos of small groups gathered together - invariably, there are bowls of fruit and/or glasses of orange juice available, and a JW is playing his guitar, and the JWs are singing Kingdom "Melodies". There are never more than 8 or 10 JWs at a time in these illustrations though - the clear implication is that anything more than 2 or 3 families is a "large gathering" and as the GB likes to emphasize, "large gatherings" will inevitably lead to drunkenness, debauchery, fornication, cats and dogs, living together, etc.
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Many of the brothers affected by the changes are very unhappy, most of them are just
complying against their will, a few are adamant and will be going to the Congregation of
their choice. The elderly are the ones mostly affected by this situation.
Just as I predicted, in various earlier pages of this thread.
if this has been posted before, then my apologies..... article in april ‘20 wt changes the view of the locust swarm prophecy...formerly believed to describe the worldwide preaching by anointed.
”simply put, these verses refer, not to our zealous preaching work, but to the activity of the babylonian army that invaded jerusalem in 607 b.c.e.”.
they also tie in the giving of holy spirit to the congregation at pentecost and thereafter.. the article is available to read in full on our least favourite website..
This was the subject of a talk at the October AGM, and the talk is now available on JW Broadcasting.
Another of David Splane's brain farts....
In the talk, delivered by Splane himself, the smugness just oozes out like pus from a pimple. He is so, so, SO proud of himself that he figured this out, correcting Freddy's error.
And of course the $64,000 question: If they got the interpretation of these "locusts" so dead wrong for so many decades, what are they teaching now that is wrong, and will be corrected next year or in 5 or 10 years?
I've read in countless WT magazines that "a true religion teaches what is true". So, JWs were a false religion until Splane had his holy revelation?
i found out just last night that back in 2015 scientists discovered a piece of amber estimated to be over 15 million years old.
inside the amber was a flea, very similar to the size and kind that attack and eat our blood today.
whats even more astonishing is in the mouth they found bacteria that has the same make up as bubonic plague.
Wonder what a JW would say?
I know many JWs who would say "you can't trust scientific dating methods. You see, when the water canopy above the earth came down during Noah's flood, it changed the amount of radiation reaching the earth's surface and thus all dating systems which produce an age more than 4000 years ago are flawed. Thus, your 'flea in amber' is really only about 4000 years old, not 15 million."
You would have far more success trying to persuade a piece of gravel to accept the Keynesian economic model, than using facts to reason with a JW, if those facts conflict with their interpretation of the Bible.