Under those conditions, even skeptics would likely feel compelled to admit that Bible prophecy was undergoing fulfillment.
Think about this for more than the 2-3 seconds that they want you to think about it.
What is it really saying?
That God has given "signs", a warning, about the "great tribulation", but he doesn't want very many people to understand the sign. Based on what they've written, Jehovah would be displeased if "too many" people took note of the sign and changed their ways.
Jehovah, baaed on what they write, prefers to present a muddled, vague, unclear sign that most people will completely miss. So when he ends up slaughtering billions of men, women, and children at Armageddon, it will be because he purposely obscured his "hints" at what was to come, so that "not even skeptics" could be saved.
The Watchtower paints Jehovah as far more cruel, sadistic, and vindictive than even the OT Bible writers managed to do.