It is truly unfortunate that the bad experiences that many have had while being a JW has also turned them away from the Bible. It is definitely throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
The Bible is a collection of writings which prove that man is incapable of governing himself. It is a book which shows the benefits of following the simple rules from the One who created us, and what happens when we don't. It is the book which lays out our eternal hope after we leave this body. Its advice sustains me each day.
What man has done with the Bible for millenia to justify criminal behavior reinforces our need to follow Jesus each day, and not our own selfish pride.
There are so many bitter comments on this site from people burned by the WTS. I used to be a presiding overseer, and now am just a simple Christian without any church affiliation. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is the basis by which I live. I enjoy studying the Bible with others who feel as I do.
I hope that many here will be able to grow out of the pain that WTS legalism has caused them, and realize that God unconditionally loves each one of us.