Here is what happened:
The WT Society approached the Thailand Bible Society and sought permission to re-print an older Thai version. This is a version the JWs preferred because it used the name "Jehovah" in the OT. The Thailand Bible Society gave its permission for the reprint because there are many elderly Thais who prefer the older version anyway. No scandal here at all. This is similar to the WTS reprinting the American Standard Version.
The largest run of this reprinting clearly shows that they are reprinted by the Watch Tower Society with the permission of the Thailand Bible Society. However, there were also 2,000 copies run simply with "Thailand Bible Society" on the title page. Absolutely no reference to the Watch Tower Society at all! I was mistaken in earlier posts when I said this was a trade off between the WTS and the Thailand Bible Society. The correspondence states the Thailand Bible Society purchased this special run from the WTS. The brothers at Bethel printed and bound Bibles for the Thailand Bible Society itself.
Let me emphasize that the Thailand Bible Society did nothing wrong. They no doubt got a good product and hopefully got a good price for this. I hope the profits they made on the sales of these volumes helped them in their ministry. But, this is strictly against the policies of the Watch Tower Society.
Say, for example, there was sufficient interest for re-printing the American Standard Version of 1901 (the WT did at least 2 different binding styles of that version on its own presses). Would it not be inconsistent for the Watch Tower Society to print and bind an edition of the the ASV for the American Bible Society with the ABS imprint? It might make good financial sense to do so. But, I was under the impression that the Watch Tower Society did not do publishing for the Bible Societies of Christendom. Sure, they might re-print with permission a version and even sell a bunch of those to others. But, to actually publish for another religious organization?
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