I actually like the colour orange - espeically a burnt orange. aaaaah unless - I think I got something here. Remember swordfish - those radio activated dog collars that would explode if you were a certain amount of feet away.......that's it. they gonna blow.
JoinedPosts by LouBelle
My Dream - Your Thoughts
by LouBelle inwell my dream last night was rather intersting.
dreamt i went back to the kingdom hall and everyone had access codes & these computerised dog collars on (neon lights and all) my code had expired & i never recieved a dog collar.
so i go off to the reception desk & there's this very prim & proper witness lady with her flashing dog collar ticking away at her pee cee.
Why do you believe?
by sonnyboy ini've never posted here before, but i've lurked patiently for a few weeks, debating on whether or not to tackle a new message board.
i guess i'll make at least one post and see what happens.
anyway, a little background about myself.
Hi Sonnyboy.
It's difficult to prove many things. How do you prove you love me? a guy asks a girl (perhpas because he wants her to prove her love by having sex with him???) How do we prove creation, or evolution - I've never seen God & I've never seen anything truly evolve ( I'm talking like from fish to bird - and not adaption)
Perhaps I speak for myself here but I truly believe most people believe in a Higher being, it's natural to look to the heavens (physical or spiritual) & ask questions. Perhaps it's not what we believe that is the crux, but the fact that we believe that there is something out there. As you said a Hindu truly believe in his faith, a moselim his and a christian his - yet how does he act towards his fellow being or conscience? You know when you are not doing right & that is a law unto yourself - so if you follow that - perhaps that is enough for you to be in glory - wherever that may be.
(I'm rambling hey - it kinda sounds like what I'm trying to get across)
So How Was Armagheddon supposed to occur anyways ?????
by xjw_b12 inwas it going to be fire and brimestone like soddam and gommorah ?.
or were buildings going to collapse and all of the people in the buildings and on the ground below be destroyed ?.
3. or were angels suddendly going to materalize with big broad swords (right out of king arthur's army) and smite us......those of us who didn't have the mark.
Swords are sexy - there is no denying that - I definately like those swords you posted there Matt. Acutally I tried picking up a friends swords - I had to grasp the handle with both hands, it was so big and heavy. and though I Kinda dragged the thing I felt powerful.
I though the Big A would be like people rotting away - and seeing limbs fall off, eyeballs popping out. And all this as they stand next to you I better watch more horrors to get me prepared for this.
Young JWs-living a lie
by Jez infor the past year, i have been observing the jw kids that i know.
i am in a unique situation as i work at the local high school, therefore see many of them on a daily basis.
let me tell you, 80% of them are totally undistinguishable as jws.
I must say I also got up to nonsense BUT I NEVER had this 'I'm holier than thou' attitude - I just said " I'm a witness yes but not the best there is - I'm the naughty one. Can I handle your microphone "
Went To A Church Today
by rocketman ini've been waking up so early on sunday mornings that i finally decided to attend a church today.
it's lutheran, and a work associate invited me some time ago.
taking the risk of being uncovered as an apostate (or at least being under suspicion as one) if i'd have been seen entering or leaving the place, off i went anyway for the 8 am service.
I went to another church while I was going to the meetings. New Testimant Living.. Their praise & worship was extremely inspirational, young men & women, children, teenages, single, married, older people, all lifting their voice to praise their worthy God - It moved me to tears. They also had flags in their building - all the flags of all the nations as everyone is welcome - I initially found it difficult to see that. The preach of the guy was from Matthew & he spoke from the heart. The children went to "little arrows" so that they too could benefit from this time, and not be subjected to 40 minutes of boredom. After the service is over everyone is invited to have tea and coffee. The love amongst these people left me wondering why we as witnesses didn't have that kind of love.
I attended a few services.
Heathen: I vowed that when I left the JW I would NEVER believe in the trinity or about 3 Gods in one. I went to their "foundations" (kind of basic knowledge of the bible study group. And my back was put up by the fact they believed in this, but I prayed that I be shown His truth. I was so confused that I actually prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac, David and Jacob - so that I knew my prayers were directed to the right God. All I can say is that my eyes have truly been opened so much so that I'm floored. I was having a hard time of trying to figure out who this God was and if He and his son and the holy spirit are one. When you read your bible read in context & across as well, things in the old testiment tie up with the new. Some scriptures to ponder over Psalms 105 - 107 You'll note it's mostly speaking about "Jehovah and then suddenly in 107 you note that their is a scripture that brings in Jesus as the same on...."
Some other points to consider on the "trinity" Why would Jesus ask to be glorified along with God when God doesn't share his glory? God created the sabbeth - How then could Jesus be the "Lord of the Sabbeth"? In revelation Jesus speaks of himself as being the Alpha & the Omega ( a title usually reserved for almighty God) If you check the greek scriptures on John 1:1 It does say that the word is God.... The witnessess have changed the wording in many many scriptures - If you like we can open a thread and I can give them to you - or you can pm me. You have to dig into the greek versions as well to get the true meaning in some cases.
Does the WTBTS still control your life?
by Honesty indo you follow the arrangement dictated by the governing body of jw's regarding df'd and da'd individuals?
do you shun the jw's like you are expected to by wt leaders or do you speak to jw's and greet them with a smile even if they shun you when you do so?
in complying with wtbts rules of acceptable behavior for da'd or df'd persons do you think that you are showing unconditional love to your neighbor?
I'm naturally a friendly person so if there was someone who was DF'ed I'd automatically greet them, and have a chat, my one good mate got DF'ed and I still hugged him when we met and went for braais (that is a south african barbeque). But I kinda never believed in the whole disfellowshipping thing. Once the DFing is official I know I will be shunned by my witty family, I'll respect that but it won't stop me from greeting them if I see them out and about.
If you do something contrary to what the bible teaches, how do you react?
by JH inso many verses in the bible are so clear.
example: don't steal, don't fornicate, don't have sex with a person of the same sex....etc.
some verses couldn't be clearer.
I don't know if the witnesses ever came near to any ounce of Truth Jaffa - I mean they've taken from the christadelphians, 7th day adventist, came up with their own blend. When I look back now I see no light in their teachings whatsoever. They are truly the bind leading the blind.
Birthday Party - Birthday Cake
by POs Son inwell, this weekend, we had a nice little birthday party for our one-year-old daughter.
my folks, both dubs, were not invited despite living only ten minutes away.
i still respect their beliefs, so did not even bother inviting them.
When I was little I used to wonder why eating "birthday food" was evil - But I still ate it at school. Then as I went into the work world everyone would bring something on their birthday and in the beginning to "stand out/proud of your religion" I wouldn't eat it, but then got to thinking why the hell not it's only food & it can't kill you. So I started eating & taking in as well. Now I have no worries about it - as a matter of fact if you read the book of Job very carefully you will see that Jobs' family would celebrate their day of birth...... oh yeah it's in there. Anyway I have this cousin who works with me - he's still a full blown witty - thinks' I'm off into darkness and refuses cake on the day of the birthday but will eat it the next day - so I asked him why - he couldn't really give me an answer so I told him to go look in Matthew where Jesus declared all food edible because it's not what goes in that makes you evil but what comes' out of a man.
How many days did you spend in the Hall?
by IP_SEC ini just did some rough (haha) figuring to determine how many days i spent just sitting at the hall during meetings.
i just rounded to the nearest year to be liberal in take into account missed meetings and the like.
i know the number is higher but i dont feel like getting more exact.. this just counts regular meeting times, not before and after fellowship, not fs, meeting prep, or assemblies.. i came up with 349 days.
right so I was in the borg for lets say 23 years, went to most meetings, bookstudies, conventions, unersigned territory, and fieldies........ sooooo Somebody work the math out - Sooo much time spent there, so much that we've all given up, soooo much we've missed out on. SO SO SAD
My Dream - Your Thoughts
by LouBelle inwell my dream last night was rather intersting.
dreamt i went back to the kingdom hall and everyone had access codes & these computerised dog collars on (neon lights and all) my code had expired & i never recieved a dog collar.
so i go off to the reception desk & there's this very prim & proper witness lady with her flashing dog collar ticking away at her pee cee.
Hi did watch star wars the other day and they have brought on Star Trek re-runs - so EvilForce may be onto something.
The colours of the flashing dog collars were neon orange.
As for being worried about being DF'ed - hmmm I don't think I'm overly worried, perhaps it's because this is the FINAL cut - the severing from the so called 'mother'. Other than that I want to be DF'ed then I know I'm totally free from then in all respects..... strange but true.
Otherwise I don't usually read into dreams 'cos I can have some truly freaky ones.
Gumby I shall follow your advise!!!!