Does the WTBTS still control your life?

by Honesty 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Honesty

    Do you follow the arrangement dictated by the Governing Body of JW's regarding DF'd and DA'd individuals? Do you shun the JW's like you are expected to by WT leaders or do you speak to JW's and greet them with a smile even if they shun you when you do so?

    In complying with WTBTS rules of acceptable behavior for DA'd or DF'd persons do you think that you are showing unconditional love to your neighbor? Do you believe that Jesus' followers shunned the Jewish people after they had been expelled from the synagogues for telling the truth about Him? No, they did not. They were even more committed in helping their fellow man.

    Do you believe shunning is a moral issue that would be condemned by decent people?

  • Ellie

    I think shunning is an inhumane, dispicable thing to do.

    I am shunned by practically the whole congregation but if meet them in the street I always smile and say hi, for the most part they turn and look the other way but this is quite amuseing to me, it shows them up for the loveless hipocrytes that they are.

  • Funchback

    I'm shunned by *some* in my former congregation....and I'm not even DFd or DAd.

    Their loss...not mine.

  • Sunspot

    I'm going to tackle this by the orignal question posed.

    Yes, as much as I hate to say this....the WTBS does still have a ripple effect and residual control over my life. I am not allowed in my BIL & SIL's home any more, even though my SIL has never been a JW. We always stayed with them and vice-versa whenever we went to MA or they came here to NY. I'm talking 25 years or so. It has ruined a lot of things for my household and made things very awkward because of the shunning policy of my JW BIL.

    Every time there is a family event, or a funeral, wedding etc---there's always the problem of JWs around exJWs (me), even though I'm willing to be more than friendly---there IS that tension in the air that dissipates when the JW element leaves to head home.

    It has really put a damper on the entire family activities, which I'm sure makes the WTBS quite happy.


  • LoverOfTruth

    Shunning is Not True Christian Behavior. I couldn't begin to Imagine Jesus shunning anyone!

  • doofdaddy

    I'm so happy that jws ignore me when they see me in the street.

    Don't want anyone to know that I had anything to do with them! Ha ha

    I have "family" who are jws (one brother and spouse etc) and they are by far the most disfunctional, mixed up, unhappy and unhealthy of us all. Disfellowshipping suits this kind of personality..

  • JW83

    I wish I had the guts to smile at the dubs when they pretend they haven't seen me, but I haven't. Yet.

  • LouBelle

    I'm naturally a friendly person so if there was someone who was DF'ed I'd automatically greet them, and have a chat, my one good mate got DF'ed and I still hugged him when we met and went for braais (that is a south african barbeque). But I kinda never believed in the whole disfellowshipping thing. Once the DFing is official I know I will be shunned by my witty family, I'll respect that but it won't stop me from greeting them if I see them out and about.

  • Sunspot
    I'm so happy that jws ignore me when they see me in the street.

    Don't want anyone to know that I had anything to do with them! Ha ha

    Doofdaddy~~~I had to smile when I read this ! It's not only funny, but makes a good point.

    Shunning is Not True Christian Behavior. I couldn't begin to Imagine Jesus shunning anyone!

    LOT~~~Especially the stupid lengths that JWs will go to in avoiding you---and purposely letting you know that they are avoiding you. One time in the pharmacy, I was looking for a particular brand of vitamins, and there was this man who had his back to me.

    Every time I moved to the right or left (not even paying attention to him but hunting for something on the shelf) he kept his face from me. It was then that I recognized him as a JW I've known since 1974. So I did something kinda nasty . I deliberately took a few steps to the right and then to the left just to show him that I knew what he was doing! I did it in such a way that he was "trapped" and either had to play my game or leave. He left. I stood there and giggled, shaking my head.

    This guy was the equivalent of our Blondie----always did extra research to share at the WT & book studies, and had info at his fingertips (before computers) and was very smart. It's really sad to see such a waste of a good analytical mind and more of a waste of a life in bondage to the WTS. He's got to be in his 70's by now.

    Annie.....who can't imagine Jesus acting like this either

  • doofdaddy

    Yeah Sunspot I like to have a laugh but I must admit I thought that was the correct behaviour once.The poor fellah reckons he's keeping god happy by giving you the shoulder.

    That two step of yours might have got me laughing though if I was in his shoes...

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