Thank you so much for your support. It's great to know that there are people out there going through or that have been through the same thing. I must say that i don't want to leave one religion and dive headlessly into another - I went to a couple their church services and appreciated in a weird sense that everything they taught went against what I believed.
I haven't been back for about 2 months as I know I need to look into this myself - I don't need to go from a JW God to a Born Again God. I'm open to everything these days & it's so wonderful knowing that I have the freedom to talk , to challenge , to discuss different beleifs.
ljwtiamb - it's not the easiest thing to do but I just came to the realisation that I no longer trusted the organisation - they had lied so much - I'm still finding out about all their prophesies - ah and just so much other stuff.
Yes I do celebrate birthdays - YAY - Birthday cake will not kill you. (even christmas last year - though I still felt a bit 'scared'. But I did go all out - Tree, Lights, Decorations, Pressies, Lunch - you name it - It was like I was a kid again. GREAT!)
Like I said - I feel like a baby learning all over again. Please anyone feel free to express what your beliefs are - I'm open to discussion & good debate.
As for extra terrestrial beings - I haven't ruled that out either. I"ve been having the most healthy debate with a 'wordly' uncle.
Grace to all.