The Genesis account is just too silly to be taken literally. Sadly some people won't give it up. By the way, our last public talk was about the flood. The speaker went to great lengths to prove how a water canopy existed outside the atmosphere (Thus allowing for a warmer climate), how the poles were created by the frozen water after the flood, how all continents were united before the flood, that the flood caused the continents to move to their modern position (While creating all mountains in the process), and that the poles froze because "without the protective water layer, all the cold from space was sucked down like in a vacuum" (His words). Please. He also mentioned how only 40 "species" of mammals had to be on the ark to produce all the ones today. I guess they do believe in evolution after all.
Next time you see him ask him where all the water went. If the flood was global, which it was not, then that would account for 5 times MORE water than the earth currently has - where did it go? Also, the thermodynamics of that much water falling would not cool the earth but superheat it, killing everything, including Noah. Then you have the tectonic plate theory they speak of - water and hydraulic effect making moutains and valleys. Ask him if he realizes that that much force on the plates would produce tsunamies the world had never seen as well as affect the core of the planet. He may come back and say god did this by mean of miracles. Yet why would god alter many things by means of miracles when he could have just executed the wrong doers. Ask him to do a little research on the Hebrew word for "earth" - he will find out rather quickly that the term used is not the literal earth but rather "land". So a local flood theory makes more, complete sense.