No they are not. Nicotine is considered a DRUG, and one that invokes spiritism. That would be a DFing matter... I'm sure they would plead ignorance, but WTS doctrine is that NICOTINE is pharmakeia...
Posts by sinis
JWs and E-Cigs
by TheClarinetist inthe other night, two of my jw coworkers were sitting out enjoying an e-cig with one of my other coworkers.
i knew from earlier that there was tobacco (well, nicotine) in it.
out of curiousity, i did some minor digging with my worldlytm coworkers and am pretty darn sure that these guys aren't doing anything else questionable... are active jws allowed to smoke e-cigs now, or did i just witness some extremely minor teenage rebellion?.
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Jeffro: If you go back far enough, who were the "gods"? I sure as hell don't know, but several ancient texts and holy books indicate they were not from here...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
The stones at Baalbek were transported and LIFTED - something that rivals modern engineering. The pyramids in the Yucatan are cut with such precision that you cannot even stick a piece of paper edge wise into the cracks. Pretty impressive... for jungle people...
I agree that the Bible is not the inspired word of god, I never indicated that it ever was. In fact, I don't believe in "god" as per christianity, or other religions. However, I find the basis for the stories interesting to say the least as they coorelate with other cultures...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Nimrod/Etana and the Kingdom of Cush/Kish
Which of the Sumerian kingdoms known to us from the historical record best fit the scriptural description of Nimrod and his people as found in Genesis? The best candidate for Nimrod's kingdom appears to be the Sumerian kingdom of Kish, known from the earliest times for having consolidated the entire region into a single empire. Sumerian primary sources state that the first dynasty of Kish immediately followed the great deluge (Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, 227), and that one of the most important city-states of Sumeria was Kish "which, according to Sumerian legendary lore, had received the 'kingship' from heaven immediately after the 'flood'" (Kramer, History, 31). Later Sumerian rulers coveted the title "king of Kish" to reflect sovereignty over the whole land. The presence of a unified state with hegemony over all the land in the earliest times, in contrast to the later warring city-states, is consistent with both the Genesis account and the additional details offered in the Book of Jasher.
I had independently concluded that Nimrod must have been the legendary king of Kish who united Sumeria because of the correspondence of many historical and scriptural details, only to subsequently find that Roy Hales has written about this topic from a slightly different perspective while arriving at many of the same conclusions while citing additional supporting evidence (see Etana and the First Kingdom of Man," The name Kish corresponds closely with that of Nimrod's father Cush. Hales observes that among the kings of Kish, one strongly stands out as a candidate for the scriptural Nimrod. Etana, the thirteenth king of Kish on the Sumerian King's list, is listed as having become "king and ruler" by virtue of having "consolidated all countries." The passage regarding the reign of Etana calls to mind the story of Nimrod, builder of the tower of Babel: "They planned the city; the [...] gods laid the foundation; they planned the shrine...May the city be the nest, the resting place of mankind, may the king be the shepherd...may Etana be the builder." Hales states: "A subsequent king of Ur around 2040 BC dug up this inscription: "The erection (building) of this tower (temple highly offended all the gods. In a night they threw down) what man had built and impeded their progress. They were all scattered abroad and their speech was strange" (need source). Nimrod is referred to in scripture as "a mighty hunter," and the author or scribe of Genesis observes that the proverb "even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord" remained in common use down to his own day (Genesis 10:9). Etana was known as the "king of animals." Hales further observes: "The scattering of Etana Nimrod's kingdom would appear to have taken place during Sumeria's late Uruk, and early Jemdet Nasr phase. A strong Sumerian influence is known in Egypt from this time."
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
...but Bab-el DOES NOT MEAN CONFUSION, it means Gate of the God(s). Why would it have nothing to do with the Bible? The Bible would just be one instance of a text that interpreted (badly) what had been handed down from prior texts, and peoples. It provides a good starting point and over all general idea that allows one to delve further into mythos and perhaps reality... plus, I beliee you also have to take the context - literal translation or meaning. The flood speaks of the Earth, but most scholars understand that to represent the "land" of the area. So to with "heavens", could simply be sky... stories change over time through bastardized word of mouth...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Just like the human genome... and "ages" of men. Almost every culture seperated by time and space speak of the same beginnings of man, and "ages" of man, "gods" made man for slaves, used primitive humanoids, moved onto another version, altered monkeys, and finally, as in almost every culture the "gods" shed their blood and mixed it with the last creation to make a human/man that could think and do work. In the jungles of the Yucatan - interesting time :) - the Maya elders speak of extreme similarities with stories of creation as found in Sumerians, Greeks, Native Americans, Indus Valley, and the Bible texts... how?
Maybe from one source, with carried verbal stories passed down, but is there truth to it? Or a primitive perception of how life got here?
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Jeffro: I believe there is much more to life and our origins than most people think, or want to believe. There is truth in everything, you just have to be able to find it through research, etc...
The cargo cults of the Pacific islands during WWII is one such example of how things can get twisted, and wherein we might think that something is stupid (because we know better) but those writing or speaking of such events truly believe it...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Speaking of Egypt, when Rome conquered/sacked Egypt they had to cut the obelisks in half because they could not transport the load of the full size one. Took quite a while before they moved it from Egypt to Rome... yet the Egyptians had no problem? Plus Kufiu states that the pyramids existed BEFORE they came to the area and that basically the twenty year build was a refurbishment of the existing structure. If we go by the "experts" and the twenty year time frame of building the great pyramid by scratch, than based on the amount of stones and weight, they would have had to cut, quarry, move, and place a stone into position (from beginning to end) every 9 seconds, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 20 years...
Hell, last time I was in the Yucatan visiting a friend who is an archeologist and meeting up with him and his buddies at a dig, they still don't know how the primitives there cut the damn rocks so perfectly, and aligned like the constellation of Orion (as it appeared 10K years ago), with the walls of one pyramid being laser perfect to the wall of another pyramid several miles away through jungle... given that these people, though they had a concept of a wheel, knew that wood wheels would not transport such loads, and did not yet have metal for cutting until introduced by the Spaniards...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
I don't think it makes a mockery of the biblical account, considering the biblical account is a plagarized version of much older texts. If anything, it has pieces of truth, and other passages that perhaps are the primitive interpretation of the people of the time. Now from the perspective that "god" inspired the book, well, who is "god" and were the stories hand me downs of earlier works? Also, don't you find it interesting that the opening account of Genesis gives an aerial "road map" of different areas that are good in gold, silver, etc? Sort of like a mining manifest? Same thing the spaniards did when recording the regions of the New World in the event the expedition was lost and someone else had to retrace their steps...
Universal sovereignty, The Tower of Babel and witness tampering
by Simon inthe main premise of the bible is that satan challenged jehovahs authority and humans fell for the lie so god then gave man / satan a chance to rule to "prove" that they needed him and couldn't do it themselves.
this was for the benefit of the angels watching who are presumably easily swayed too.. not really believable and some stunning gaps of logic but let's go with it for now.. what happened next in the bible?
well, man was doing pretty good.
Simon, the one that still remains at the quarry weighs in at approx 1200 metric tons. We have only recently been able to build movable cranes that can lift loads like these... The worlds largest mobile crane can lift 1500 metric tons, and that is only a recent design... much less talking about a culture and or stone that may have been quarried several thousand years ago... hell, even the Romans indicate that the temple base existed BEFORE they built on it...