igot2bme --- admire your strength! too bad members on this board can't show up (not that you need anyone) and help those being bullied by these evil losers. it'd be great if you could call one of your local TV news reporting cos. where people take their complaints against companies and tell them you're being persecuted by the world's 2nd largest publishing house. i'm so sick of religions having rights -- i know, i know, it's what our country bla bla bla and the unfair justice says no one is forced to stay --- if people ONLY KNEW!!!!!!
don't forget about pro bono legal help out there (if you don't have funds to blow on legal man) --- some big hitter law firms donate time/legal work in some cities/states. this board needs to somehow, someway, get journalists and law schools involved in all this evil. so sorry you are having to deal with this garbage.