Posts by LV101
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Golfing - the man works 24/7 with no sleep (trying to correct all the status vacays of the slugs in office the previous decades!) and we know he'd be available to protect our country and it's best (military) if he receives a call in the middle of the night. Obama/Ole Hil asleep again -- too tired and couldn't care less. -
Strangest JW you ever knew stories
by rickroll inwe all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
tiki - YES!! That's what they were called - HILARIOUS! Have you any idea where these are posted online? Omigoodness. They are priceless and should be continued along with rickrolls' and the other winners posted here.
Thanks, tiki.
Strangest JW you ever knew stories
by rickroll inwe all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
Does anyone remember the ex-bethelite member, Randy - I think he was friends with Ray Franz and a member yrs. ago on H20, etc., too. He did a series of JW stories/beyond Hillbillies. It would be great to have those and I'm sure he'd share. Laughing so hard tears would stream down my face - I can't recall what he called them but so funny.
is the watchtower cult the most hated religion ?
by stan livedeath inhated by many members of the public for their ( former ?
) door knocking and preaching at the most inopportune times ( at work for instance ).
hated by former members who are now shunned by family and former friends.. hated by thousands ( millions maybe ) of pimos who only stay for fear of losing wives / family friends.. can you name any religious cult thats even worse ?.
Watchtower is a criminal organization -- why isn't this info on one of the TV shows and maybe it has been but they're so few and far between because it's such an insignificant, horrifying, cult.
It's unimaginable the suffering they've caused people.
Weird Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inis it my imagination or are most witnesses weird, odd, and “different “?
it seems every congregation has a couple of weirdo elders, pioneers and ministerial servants.
and then you see those witnesses who attend meetings but most people seldom associate with them because... they are eccentric..
I read yrs. ago that a team of psychologists' report indicated the WT was one of the most successful and proficient mind-control groups in the world. The literature is the key -- at the heart of their recruiting.
Weird Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inis it my imagination or are most witnesses weird, odd, and “different “?
it seems every congregation has a couple of weirdo elders, pioneers and ministerial servants.
and then you see those witnesses who attend meetings but most people seldom associate with them because... they are eccentric..
I think many join because they love the idea of justice in a crazy unjust world. They've seen/experienced family turmoil, a crazy parent or mental/physical/sexual abuse. Loser parents run roughshod on innocent children - there are gazillions of jealous, envious, controlling, egg/sperm donors, (and that's all they are in my book!), in the world. I think of my childhood friends and out of several there may have been one, adequate, responsible, parent. Thus cults have a wide open market for recruits who want to right the wrongs of life and do better especially before science revealed reality or got through the ignorant skulls of many of us.
Plus years ago many of us were brainwashed that only churches could provide high morals and once many become parents they want their own children to be protected from the terrible world. It's been mind control.
Strangest JW you ever knew stories
by rickroll inwe all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
rickroll - omigoodness that's hilarious! Thank you for your description of the girls - I'm LOLOLOLOL! Somehow I missed reading your first opening post - oh my! Can you imagine a movie about WT/JWs.
They were always on the anti-perfume kick. I attended weekend (whatever 2-day local/yocal wastefest- conventions were called) and they really needed hygiene talks. I couldn't stand the stench (had to move to another area a bit safer and it was in the era of packing fools in!) and I don't think they owned deodorant much less bathed/showered or washed hair. The cult doesn't let them have time for hygiene. There used to be a pregnant gal who would take her shoes off inside the hall and rest/prop her filthy feet through the seat in front of her. I couldn't believe and the odor was repulsive. I always enjoyed watching them chew gum. I had never been around such hillbillies in my life. I don't think I ever received one thank-you card for a bridal or wedding gift - going away to Beth-hell life/whatever, ever! I heard a lot of doseys from JWs re/bad experiences - hard to imagine but not re/JWs and WT!
The cult definitely is anti-manners and social skills.
Blew it this morning with 4 JWs
by Vanderhoven7 inso i decided to go hunting for jws this morning.
walked to the end of my driveway and who should be approaching...but 2 ladies, one old (dianne) and one younger both with watchtower mags in hand.
dianne shared how the world was under the control of satan etc.
Great comments ^^^^ and I agree.
A Must Read Update on WBTS and Darkspilver from reddit
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inmany of us know that watch tower (yes, two words in this case) has issued a subpoena to reddit to try to gain darkspilver's identity due to accusations of copyright infringement:.
tl;dr: on april 9, watch tower filed a response to the eff's motion to quash (filed march 26) regarding the subpoena submitted to reddit in an attempt to find /u/darkspilver's identity.. the wt response is publicly available here as a pdf, from the site court listener.. a number of other documents relating to the case are available on the same site, here.. and the eff's motion to quash is available on the eff's website here.. details: as i'm sure many of us know, watch tower (yes, two words in this case) has issued a subpoena to reddit to try to gain /u/darkspilver's identity due to accusations of copyright infringement.
specifically, watch tower is claiming copyright infringement for two things: first, darkspilver posted the back page of the november 2018 watchtower which was an article entitled "what gift can we give to jehovah?” which explained how to donate.
Hopefully, Darkspilver will regroup/resurface under a protected/covert manner if one exists - criminals like the WT know the angles.
Two JW`s called at my door today
by smiddy3 inthe wife and i were expecting a health worker to call at our door 10:30 this morning and about 10;35 two women appeared at our door so i opened up thinking they were who i expected ,so i was take back a bit being caught off guard when they identified themselves as doing a bible work.. this is just the gist of what took place & not a word for word conversation.. a woman about in her fifties her companion about her twenties.the older woman did most of the talking as she read to me the scripture from her phone " in the last days critical times hard to deal with...etc.etc.and she went back and emphasised that we were living in the last days because of what that scripture said.. i made the comment that the scripture just about sums up human history in any given time.then i went on to say that this day and age is the best time in human history overall given the advances in technology ,medical procedures ,the overall standard of living being higher and so on .but they insisted on we were living in the last days.then i said different religions have been claiming that for the past couple hundred years.. then to throw them a curve ball i asked if they were mormons ?
oh no we are jehovah`s witnesses.had i been prepared for them and not caught out unawares i would have taken a different tact.i then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so i then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
( the light gets brighter).
lolololol -- No - really - I assumed it was an innocent saying but I'm shocked daily.
Bugger me dead - another one -- I love your lines. Ya'll talk so differently than we west coast folks. Bugger is what the English people say, eh!
I can't believe they didn't return - is the word out (rumor has it) about you as an ex-JW? They could get time easily because you're willing to talk with them - their loss and education!