Is truth or facts ever revealed on liberal news stations -- they don't report the 50+ killed in Chicago over the weekend - now St. Louis is on the same killing spree. What about those innocent people! How about Baltimore - more deaths. What the liberals have done to the African-American families - unbelievable - rewarding family breakdowns. All cultural problems.
BTW - seems one of the shooters was a strong leftist - seriously deranged since highshool but the left media isn't covering much about Dayton. There have been many shootings the past decade and no one blames the left but they sure play the blame game - nothing new.
White supremacists are psychopaths but Antifa - anti-fascism alright and funded by leftists. The liberal cities are horror - LA/San Francisco. All the left media cares about is spewing hatred toward President Trump for their own ideology/political gain.
If you're not an elite or a politician you better have a way of protecting yourself - they aren't going to protect you. No one needs serious firearms but one needs protection.